parts of the electric computer 
              the resistor              
 it  resists electricity. it can be  good 
 or  bad  at  this  and this property  is 
  measured in ohms. resistors practice  
  aposematism, showing with colours how   
            dangerous they are.           
             the capacitor              
 this  is   an  ephemeral   battery   and 
    voltage multiplier, used for load     
        balancing and for defence.        
              the lodestone             
 stores a position  in a  magnetic  field 
    and outputs electricity when moving   
        closer or further from it.        
           the schottky diode           
 this   component  limits  the   flow  of 
 electricity through itself to go in  one 
             direction only.              
           the mustelid probe           
     measures distance to (uncloaked)     
             the cat wire               
 a wire  used  to  connect  machines  and 
        appliances to each other.         
               the slower               
 slows  down the  operation of  a circuit 
              the furnace               
    exports daemon energy through. some   
               kind of hole               
 not  covered:  water  circuits  (see  my 
 post  on  submerging  a magic  spell  in 
 water   for   details   about   how   to 
             implement them)