,&,&&,,&&, &,&,&,,,&,
,&&&,&,&,& ,&&&&&,,&&
&&,,&&&&&& &&,,,,&,&,
&,&,&,,,,, ,,&,,,&&&&
,&&&&&,,,, &,&&,,&,,,
,&,,,,&,,, ######################################## &&&,&,&&,,
,&&,,,&&,, #&&&*&********************&*&& ,,,&&&&,&,
,&,&,,&,&, *\#*#*& A Little Critter Can &\#*#\* &,,&,,,&&&
&&&&&,&&&& ----#-* Be Held In Your Hand. *-#---- &&,&&,,&,,
&,,,,&&,,, -,-,-,-*-**********************-*-,-,-,- ,,&&,&,&&,
&&,,,&,&,, &,&,&&&&,&
,,&,,&&&&, Open Its Capsule To Ressurect It &&&&&,,,&&
&,&&,&,,,& (Letting It Breathe Real Air For The &,,,,&,,&,
&&&,&&&,,& First Time Activates Its Metabolism) &&,,,&&,&&
,,,&&,,&,& &,&,,&,&&,
,,,&,&,&&& And There'S Your Tiny Creature! ,&&&,&&&,&
&,,&&&&&,, ,&,,&&,,&&
,&,&,,,,&, * »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» * ,&&,&,&,&,
,&&&&,,,&& You Can Put It In Situations, ,&,&&&&&&&
&&,,,&,,&, You Can Dress It Up, ,&&&,,,,,,
&,&,,&&,&& And You Can Eat It. (Completely Safe, ,&,,&,,,,,
&&&&,&,&&, And A Lot Of Fun! ,&&,&&,,,,
&,,,&&&&,& They'Re Very Delicious.) ,&,&&,&,,,
&&,,&,,,&& * »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» * &&&&,&&&,,
&,&,&&,,&, &,,,&&,,&,
&&&&&,&,&& The Capsule critters Are Concieved By ,&,,&,&,&&
,,,,,&&&&, Our Skillful Bioengineers, And &&&,&&&&&,
,,,,,&,,,& Mass-Produced In Three Factory ,,,&&,,,,&
&,,,,&&,,& Locations. After Quality Testing, They ,,,&,&,,,&
,&,,,&,&,& Are Shipped To Various Distribution &,,&&&&,,&
&&&,,&&&&& Centers, And From There To Your Local &&,&,,,&,&
,,,&,&,,,, Store. &,&&&,,&&&
&,,&&&&,,, ,&&,,&,&,,
&&,&,,,&,, A Single Creature Toy/Snack Can Be Used ,&,&,&&&&,
&,&&&,,&&, For About Two Weeks, If Fed Properly ,&&&&&,,,&
,&&,,&,&,& With Sugary Water, Before It Runs Out ,&,,,,&,,&
&&,&,&&&&& Of Nutrients. (Nutrients Are ,&&,,,&&,&
,,&&&&,,,, Proprietary And Not Sold To End-Users). ,&,&,,&,&&
&,&,,,&,,, &&&&&,&&&,
&&&&,,&&,, ,,,,,&&,,&
,,,,&,&,&, &,,,,&,&,&
&,,,&&&&&& &&,,,&&&&&
,&,,&,,,,, ,,&,,&,,,,