##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
§%/«..,,,, ,,,,..«/%§
§§§««,,,,, noise ,,,,,««§§§
##£§%§/«., ,#,,,,,#, ,.«/§%§£##
###£§%/«., ,.«/%§£###
##£§%§/«., %#%%%%%#% ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
§%/.,,,,,, white noise is the sound of big bang ,,,,,,./%§
##£§%§/«., the universes sedative hiss ,.«/§%§£##
###£§§/«., ,.«/§§£###
#£%/.,,,,, pink noise is the sound of the river ,,,,,./%£#
££%§§//«., beyond the grove, releasing the ,.«//§§%££
#£%/..,,,, winter waters ,,,,../%£#
#£%////«., ,.«////%£#
##£§%§/«., brown noise is the sound of your blood ,.«/§%§£##
£§§/«.,,,, pressing itself through your body ,,,,.«/§§£
§§§§«««.., ,..«««§§§§
##£§%§/«., black noise is the sound of the new moon ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., in a cloudless night sky ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
##£§%§/«., ,.«/§%§£##
£§§%§/.,,, ,,,./§%§§£
###£%§/«., ,.«/§%£###
§§§§«..,,, ,,,..«§§§§