.,~\§§#£## ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ##£#§§\~,.
,~\§§#£### ###£#§§\~,
.,~\§§#£££ £££#§§\~,.
..,,,~~§§£ £§§~~,,,..
.,~\§§#£## §, ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## kobold drug .~~§,. is a general ##£#§§\~,.
....,~\\§# .,§~§\,. term for any #§\\~,....
.,~\§§#£## .,~§,~§~,.. substance ##£#§§\~,.
......~~§# ..~\#,,#\~,.. that can #§~~......
.,~\§§#£## ..,~§£,.#§\~,... transform ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ..,~\§£,.§#§\~,,.. ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ,,,,,~~~\\§§§#£§~,..,~§##§§\\~~~,,,..... ##£#§§\~,.
......,\§£ ..,,,,~~~\\§§##§~,..,~§£§§§\\~~,,,..... £§\,......
.,~\§§£### ..,,,,~~~\\§§§£#\,..,\§£§§\\~~,,,..... ###£§§\~,.
.,~\§#£### ...,,,,~~~\\§§#£\,. ,\##§§\\~~,,,.... ###£#§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## .....,,,~~~\§§##§~. ,\##§§\~~,,,.... ##£#§§\~,.
...~~~\\§# .....,,,~~\\§§#§~. ,\#§§\\~~,,.... #§\\~~~...
.,~\§§#£## .....,,,~~\\§##\. ,\#§§\~~,,... ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§§### ....,,,~~\§§£\, ,§£§§\~,,... ###§§§\~,.
..,~\\§### ....,,,~\\§#§, ,§#§\~~,,.. ###§\\~,..
.,~\§§#£## ....,,,~\§§#~ ,§#§\~,,.. ##£#§§\~,.
.....~§### ...,,~~\§£\.,#§\~,,.. ###§~.....
.,~\§§§§§# ..,,~\§#§.,£§\~,.. #§§§§§\~,.
...,\\\§## ...,~\§#.,£§~,.. human ##§\\\,...
.....,~~§# ..,~\#,,#\~.. consciousness #§~~,.....
....,,\\§£ ..,~§~,§~,. £§\\,,....
.,~\§§#£## .,\§~§,. ##£#§§\~,.
..,,~~§#££ .,§~~. ££#§~~,,..
.,~\§§§§#£ ,§ £#§§§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ##£#§§\~,.
......~§§# into a kobold-like state. the term #§§~......
.,~\§§#£## "kobold" can be applied to the state ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## itself, and also to the beings that ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§##££ inhabit this state. ££##§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ##£#§§\~,.
....,\§##£ ,,~§£.#§\~,,,. £##§\,....
.,~\§§#£## ,,~\\§§§§~ ~\§§§§\\~~,, ##£#§§\~,.
....,,~\§# ,~~~\\\\\\\\~, ,~\\\\\\\\\~~~~,,, #§\~,,....
....,,\§## ,,~~~~\\\\\\\~~~,. .,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,, ##§\,,....
.,~\§§#£## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,,. ..,,,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ~~~~~~~~~~,,,,,,.. ...,,,,,,,,,,,~~~~~~~ ##£#§§\~,.
..,~~~§§#£ ~~~,,,,,,,,,,..... .....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, £#§§~~~,..
.,~\§§#### ,,,,,,,,,,,..... .......,,,,,,,,,,,, ####§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ,,,,,,,,....... ........,,,,,,,,, ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ,,,,,......... the ...........,,,,, ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§§#£# ,,,......... classic .............,, #£#§§§\~,.
..,,,~\\§# example #§\\~,,,..
....~~\\§# of kobold drug is the liquid that are #§\\~~....
.,~\§§#£## produced by mixing kynurenic acid with ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ascorbic acid. however, there are other ##£#§§\~,.
.....~§##£ options. £##§~.....
.,~\§§#£## ##£#§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##£#§§\~,.
..,~\\\§## ~ it is worth noting that not ~ ##§\\\~,..
.,~\§§#£## ~ every kobold-like state is due to ~ ##£#§§\~,.
.....~\§££ ~ a kobold drug. many are just a ~ ££§\~.....
.,~\§§#£## ~ result of the human mind being ~ ##£#§§\~,.
....,,\§£# ~ tricked into a certain state, ~ #£§\,,....
....,~§### ~ such as lucid dreaming. ~ ###§~,....
...,,\§### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ###§\,,...
.......~§# #§~.......
.,~\§§£### ###£§§\~,.
...,,\\§#£ £#§\\,,...
.,~\§§§§§£ £§§§§§\~,.
.,~\§§#£## ##£#§§\~,.