operation  contrasting valkyrie    
     in the  sixties.  the central    
  intelligence agency "cia" release   
   aerosolized  selatenine  over  a   
  jupiter equinox  concert, creating  
   the largest secret paradigm shift  
   that  the  world has ever seen.  
 the jupiter equinox* concert  is part of 
 a festival  in  black tickle arranged by 
 a group called  epicenter of love. there 
 is   no  entrance   but   visitors   are 
 expected to help with  maintenance. food 
 and  drink  is shared.  many  bands  are 
 playing over  the four day course of the 
 festival, and the stage  is open between 
 scheduled   concerts.   jupiter equinox, 
 while  an unknown act, has a prestigious 
 timeslot at  eight in the evening on the 
 third  day,  which  is  friday.       
 eight  is also  when the  plane  used to 
 spread   the  aerosol   lifts  off.   it 
 arrives at the festival about a  quarter 
 past,  sound  masked  by   the  concert. 
 around   when   the    first   wave   of 
 selatenine   must   have   reached   the 
 audience,  the song comes to a tense but 
 quiet  movement,  and  the  lead  singer 
 walks  to  the   front  of   the  stage. 
 she  says, with  a crystalline voice: "i 
 have  something to tell  you. i am not a 
 human being.  i  am  not  an animal or a 
 plant. i have been  sent  to  deliver  a 
 message to you.  a message  of hope. you 
 are  not  alone. there are other  beings 
 in  the  universe.  there  is  life  out 
 there,  life  that  is  reaching  out  a 
 hand. and it's  time to take that  hand. 
 to  reach out toward that hand  and grab 
 it  it. it is time to come home. you are 
 going   home.   you   are  going  home." 
 the  singer  stands   there  for  a  few 
 moments,  her hand  raised  in the  air, 
 before  the rest of  the  band  kicks in 
 and  the  music  builds to  a crescendo. 
 the  crowd erupts.  and  then  something 
 else  erupts  as  well.  a  concert-goer 
 describes  it:   "suddenly,  the   music 
 seams  broader,  more  colorful.  i  can 
 somehow see  it, and  i feel  the others 
 seeing it, and  i  see  it through their 
 eyes  as well.  meanwhile  i'm  dancing, 
 and i can  feel  my  body  as i've never 
 done  before,  i am  aware of  each cell 
 and  each  molecule,  all  vibrating  in 
 unison.  and  it's  all   going  faster, 
 building up  to something,  waking  up." 
 people  start  forming circles,  holding 
 hands  and  dancing.  some  are  crying. 
 some are  laughing. some are  screaming. 
 and then -  a  flutter  -  and something 
 gives.   a   shockwave   of    reversing 
 polarity   in  the   ether,   and   like 
 butterflies getting  hit by a  burst  of 
 wind, the third eye opens  for  everyone 
 in the audience.  and it becomes a chain 
 reaction, quickly  spreading  across the 
 festival  area. within seconds  there is 
 a   global  blackout.   festival   goers 
 regain  their  memories  around  a  week 
 later,  those  in  the  nearby  town  of 
 black tickle   after  a  few  days,   in 
 montreal for the evening,  the  rest  of 
 america  maybe  an  hour.           
 and  thus,  the   population   of  earth 
 has  kind  of  left  it's  materialistic 
 baseline,   only   that   most  do   not 
 remember                             it. 
  * there's an interesting aspect to  
   the  "jupiter equinox"  act.  it   
   seems  there   was  never   any    
  jupiter equinox concerts before or  
  after the one in black tickle. the  
   lead  singer (also  colloquially   
  referred to as jupiter) seemed  to  
  immediately disappear (for a  long  
  while she was thought to have been  
   a  cia  agent,  but a  later foia  
  release refuted this). for obvious  
  reasons, many were looking for any  
   trace  of  the  band,  but  none   
   were fruitful.                     
  recently,  however, some attention  
  has been drawn to juniper helding,  
  a sixteen year old pop singer from  
  england who has  a  very  striking  