£,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,£,,£
££,,,,,,,, £,,,,,,£,£
,££,,,,,,, ££,,,,,,,£
,£££,,,,,, £££,,,,,,,
,£,££,,,,, £,££,,,,,,
,,,£££,,,, ## ,,---,, ## ,,£££,,,,,
,,,£,££,,, -------- # egg eater # -------- ,,£,££,,,,
,,,,,£££,, ## ,,---,, ## ,,,,£££,,,
,,,,,£,££, £,,,£,££,,
,,,,,,,£££ ,£,,,,£££,
,,,,,,,£,£ absolutely spherical egg. find it on ,,£,,,£,££
£,,,,,,,,£ large sandy beaches, upshore where ,,,£,,,,££
££,,,,,,,£ dunes meet shadowy pines. teal egg, ,,,,£,,,£,
£££,,,,,,, ,,,,,£,,,,
£,££,,,,,, makes some sentient bird or other £,,,,,£,,,
,,£££,,,,, warm-blooded creature. lanky meat, ££,,,,,£,,
,,£,££,,,, incredible meat inside, mostly tendons. ,££,,,,,£,
,,,,£££,,, slithery but strong. ,£££,,,,,£
£,,,£,££,, ,£,££,,,,,
,£,,,,£££, the egg has an opening. the egg has a ,,,£££,,,,
,,£,,,£,££ belly button. looks like a rubber ,,,£,££,,,
,,,£,,,,££ vortex, the crust gets soft and becomes ,,,,,£££,,
,,,,£,,,£, a hole. ,,,,,£,££,
,,,,,£,,,, ,,,,,,,£££
£,,,,,£,,, # ,,,,--------,,,, # ,,,,,,,£,£
££,,,,,£,, £,,,,,,,,£
,££,,,,,£, and on these beaches there's a ,£,,,,,,,£
,£££,,,,,£ particular snake or lizard which ,,£,,,,,,,
,£,££,,,,, certainly eats insects most of the ,,,£,,,,,,
,,,£££,,,, time, but it knows a good belly button £,,,£,,,,,
,,,£,££,,, when it sees one, and knows to enter ££,,,£,,,,
,,,,,£££,, the egg ,££,,,£,,,
,,,,,£,££, ,£££,,,£,,
,,,,,,,£££ it will crawl into the teal sphere, ,£,££,,,£,
,,,,,,,£,£ disappear completely and eat it all up, ,,,£££,,,£
£,,,,,,,,£ ruining the integrity of the egg. £,,£,££,,,
,£,,,,,,,£ destroying the inhabitant. ,£,,,£££,,
,,£,,,,,,, ,,£,,£,££,
,,,£,,,,,, it's a grisly sight when it cracks ,,,£,,,£££
£,,,£,,,,, open, the reptile taking the quick ,,,,£,,£,£
££,,,£,,,, exit, emerging bloodied and victorious ,,,,,£,,,£
,££,,,£,,, and satisfied~~ ,,,,,,£,,£
,£££,,,£,, £,,,,,,£,,
,£,££,,,£, ,£,,,,,,£,
,,,£££,,,£ ,,£,,,,,,£
£,,£,££,,, ,,,£,,,,,,
,£,,,£££,, ,,,,£,,,,,