.:~/$$¤@## ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤### ###¤$$/~:.
.:~/$¤@### ###@¤$/~:.
.....:/$$@ @$$/:.....
...://$$$¤ ¤$$$//:...
.....:~/$¤ ¤$/~:.....
.:~/$$¤@## Medicine ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## . ##@¤$$/~:.
...://$$¤¤ ########@@@¤¤$$$/~:..:~/$$$¤¤@@@######## ¤¤$$//:...
.....~/$@@ # # @@$/~.....
.:~~~/$$$¤ # In Kirugu vargir, Far From The # ¤$$$/~~~:.
.....:~$$¤ # Desert. In The Green Caves... There # ¤$$~:.....
.:~/$$¤@## # Grows A Lichen On The Walls. Hence # ##@¤$$/~:.
:~/$$¤@### # The Name... Green Caves... Although # ###@¤$$/~:
.:~/$$¤@@# @ They Are Rather Blue-Green. Teal. @ #@@¤$$/~:.
....:/$¤@# @ @ #@¤$/:....
.:~/$$$¤¤@ @@@@@¤¤¤¤$$$$//~~::..::~~//$$$$¤¤¤¤@@@@@ @¤¤$$$/~:.
.......~$¤ . ¤$~.......
...:~~$$$@ They Would Scrape The Lichen From The @$$$~~:...
.:~/$$¤@## Cave Walls, Being Careful Not To Inhale ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## The Dust. Even So, They Would Get Some ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## In Their Lungs, Or Stuck In Their Hair, ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## Or On Their Hands... Sooner Or Later, ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## It Would Enter Their Bodies. ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤¤¤@ . @¤¤¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## The Medicine Made From The Lichen ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## Flakes Have Some,, Interesting ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## Properties. ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## . ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## For Starters, It Speeds Up Healing Of ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$$$¤# Wounds, Especially For Those Cut By #¤$$$$/~:.
..:~~/$$@# Animal Claw, #@$$/~~:..
.:~/$$¤@## . ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## It Aids In Making Dreams Lucid, For ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## Making Dreams Come True, ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## And When Sufficiently Accustomed, You ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## Can See It Glow In Those Dreams. ##@¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## ##@¤$$/~:.
.::~/$$$@@ @@$$$/~::.
....:/$$$¤ ¤$$$/:....
.:~/$$¤¤@@ @@¤¤$$/~:.
.:~/$$¤@## ##@¤$$/~:.