££,££,,,,, ,£,,£,£,£,
££,£££,,,, ,,£,,,,,,,
££,£,££,,, ,,,£,,,,,,
££,,,£££,, ,,,,£,,,,,
£££,,£,££, ,,,,,£,,,,
£,££,,,£££ =========== ,,,,,,£,,,
,,£££,,£,£ == == ,,,,,,,£,,
,,£,££,,,£ ^ blue fire ^ £,,,,,,,£,
,,,,£££,,£ == == ,£,,,,,,,£
£,,,£,££,, =========== ,,£,,,,,,,
,£,,,,£££, ,,,£,,,,,,
,,£,,,£,££ the ,blue fire, is a carnivorous plant ,,,,£,,,,,
,,,£,,,,££ living mostly at the western alvar (but £,,,,£,,,,
,,,,£,,,£, it has spread to a few other places, ,£,,,,£,,,
,,,,,£,,,, mostly rocky coasts). ,,£,,,,£,,
,,,,,,£,,, ,,,£,,,,£,
,,,,,,,£,, the plant is a dense network of £,,,£,,,,£
£,,,,,,,£, green-brown tentacle-like roots, which ££,,,£,,,,
,£,,,,,,,£ is often called "rat's tail" before ,££,,,£,,,
,,£,,,,,,, blooming. in late june, it quickly ,£££,,,£,,
,,,£,,,,,, sprouts feelers, ten to thirty ,£,££,,,£,
,,,,£,,,,, centimeters high, filled with purple ,,,£££,,,£
£,,,,£,,,, hairs - this is the blue fire. this ,,,£,££,,,
,£,,,,£,,, stage lasts for one or two weeks, ,,,,,£££,,
,,£,,,,£,, depending on food access, water, ,,,,,£,££,
,,,£,,,,£, climate. ,,,,,,,£££
£,,,£,,,,£ ,,,,,,,£,£
££,,,£,,,, often it's not clear how far the plant ,,,,,,,,,£
,££,,,£,,, has spread unless its in the fire ,,,,,,,,,£
,£££,,,£,, stage. suddenly, as if overnight, whole ,,,,,,,,,,
,£,££,,,£, fields can be turned ablaze (with the ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,£££,,,£ same individual plant, as well)! in the £,,,,,,,,,
,,,£,££,,, blooming peak, it's not unusual for the ££,,,,,,,,
,,,,,£££,, whole alvar to be connected north-south. ,££,,,,,,,
,,,,,£,££, ,£££,,,,,,
,,,,,,,£££ ^=========^ ,£,££,,,,,
,,,,,,,£,£ ,,,£££,,,,
,,,,,,,,,£ fifty weeks of the year, while in rat ,,,£,££,,,
,,,,,,,,,£ stage, the blue fire feeds on the stone £,,,,£££,,
,,,,,,,,,, itself via a slow chemical attrition. ££,,,£,££,
,,,,,,,,,, this is enough to keep the roots alive, ,££,,,,£££
£,,,,,,,,, but all growth and procreation must ,£££,,,£,£
££,,,,,,,, happen during the two weeks in june. ,£,££,,,,£
,££,,,,,,, ,,,£££,,,£
,£££,,,,,, now the plant feeds on birds; the ,,,£,££,,,
,£,££,,,,, semistiff upright feelers looks like an ,,,,,£££,,
,,,£££,,,, extension of the sea, and birds are ,,,,,£,££,
,,,£,££,,, tricked into landing or diving into it. ,,,,,,,£££
£,,,,£££,, they are quickly paralyzed by the £,,,,,,£,£
££,,,£,££, poison on the purple hairs, and ££,,,,,,,£
,££,,,,£££ devoured over a period of hours. ,££,,,,,,£
,£££,,,£,£ ,£££,,,,,,
,£,££,,,,£ procreation can happen sexually via ,£,££,,,,,
,,,£££,,,£ spores (cryptogamia) or asexually when ,,,£££,,,,
,,,£,££,,, the roots are cut, dividing an £,,£,££,,,
,,,,,£££,, individual into two. ££,,,£££,,
,,,,,£,££, £££,,£,££,
,,,,,,,£££ £,££,,,£££
£,,,,,,£,£ ,,£££,,£,£
££,,,,,,,£ ,,£,££,,,£
,££,,,,,,£ ,,,,£££,,£