£££&$=,,,, ,,,,=$&£££
##££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££##
££$»,,,,,, ,,,,,,»$££
###££$=»,, ,,»=$££###
##££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££##
£££$»,,,,, =============== ,,,,,»$£££
£££$===»,, = £££££££££ = ,,»===$£££
##££&$=»,, = £ roads £ = ,,»=$&££##
##££&$=»,, = £££££££££ = ,,»=$&££##
££££&$=»,, =============== ,,»=$&££££
££&$$»,,,, ,,,,»$$&££
#£££&$=»,, roads are physical representations of ,,»=$&£££#
£$==»»»»,, the lines on maps that tell you where ,,»»»»==$£
##££&$=»,, you can travel. ,,»=$&££##
##££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££##
##££&$=»,, those called roads are for cars. for ,,»=$&££##
##££&$=»,, bikes they are called paths, for trains ,,»=$&££##
##££&$=»,, they are called rails. ,,»=$&££##
££££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££££
££$»»,,,,, when traveling by foot, you can follow ,,,,,»»$££
##££&$=»,, all of these, or none. ,,»=$&££##
£&&$$$=»,, ,,»=$$$&&£
££&&=,,,,, ,,»#»,, ,,,,,=&&££
##££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££##
##££&$=»,, most roads are elevated, suspended ,,»=$&££##
#£$$$$=»,, between three to a hundred (rare) ,,»=$$$$£#
##££&$=»,, meters above ground. the closer you get ,,»=$&££##
££$»,,,,,, to a city, the more intertwined they ,,,,,,»$££
££££&$=»,, get. ,,»=$&££££
##££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££##
#££&&$=»,, in such areas, all crossings and ,,»=$&&££#
££&$=,,,,, intersections are placed in tunnels, or ,,,,,=$&££
£$$==»»,,, special tower-like structures called ,,,»»==$$£
###£&$=»,, outposts, which enfold the roads where ,,»=$&£###
£££&&$=»,, they interact. ,,»=$&&£££
##££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££##
###££&$=», ,,»#»,, ,»=$&££###
##££&$=»,, ,,»=$&££##
###££&$=», here and there you will find symbols in ,»=$&££###
##££&$=»,, white, on the asphalt. these are meant ,,»=$&££##
£&&===,,,, to tell the drivers about what ,,,,===&&£
£&$$=»,,,, manouvers they allowed to perform on ,,,,»=$$&£
£££$==,,,, that particular stretch of road. ,,,,==$£££
£$»,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,»$£
##££&$=»,, however, some creatures paint their own ,,»=$&££##
###£&$=»,, illicit symbols encoding territorial ,,»=$&£###
£££&&$=»,, claims, nearby resources, or other ,,»=$&&£££
###£&$=»,, unknown and mysterious things. ,,»=$&£###
£&&&&$=»,, ,,»=$&&&&£
###£&$=»,, ,,»=$&£###
#£$$==,,,, ,,,,==$$£#
££&=»»»,,, ,,,»»»=&££
££&$=»,,,, ,,,,»=$&££