alcohol is legal! robo dance.wma     
 i think i have a natural gaba deficiency 
 i dont know,  i feel happy, because one. 
 dopamine release? iodk and  there's this 
       feeling that nothing matters       
            in the end, sweet             
 around  thirty percent  of  the  alcohol 
 enters  the bloodstream already  in  the 
 mouth,  or so i've heard. got to look up 
           the numbers on that.           
 finally someone let  me  out of my drunk 
 time   for  me  is   beautiful  cuz   im 
              infinity munk               
 i can do it  anyway inside  and withside 
                am side and               
 im  a spherical  entity!  im from  outer 
 oki  i  just drank three  mouthfulls  of 
 wine.  i  drank  four strong  beers  and 
 maybe three or four mouthfulls  of wine. 
 a  thing i  dont  care  about the  taste 
 anymore  i do at the  start but not now. 
 theres  a timeline  going  from care  to 
                 not care                 
 haha  suddenly  o  had  on   some  weurd 
 finger on  my finger  then yesterday and 
 i accidentally locked then  i was on the 
 toilet lol mbut wew there  was something 
 wrong  with  f  -inger.  i mean  with my 
 left index finger notjing wrong with  my 
 right  chopped  myself   with  ,an   axe 
 wtf is  why have i  the wrong finger  as 
 read   more  about   types  of   alcohol 
   beer     wine    cider      kir