##@#@†:«:, ,:«:†@#@##
##@#@†:«:, ,:«:†@#@##
##@#@†:«:, ,:«:†@#@##
#@#@:::,,, ,,,:::@#@#
##@#@†:«:, ,:«:†@#@##
@@##@†:«:, ,:«:†@##@@
##@††««:,, now, usually i feel good (maybe?), but ,,:««††@##
@#†:::«::, this time of confusion also leads to ,::«:::†#@
##@#@†:«:, all analyzes ending in "useless" - i ,:«:†@#@##
##@#@†:«:, was being bothered by something in a ,:«:†@#@##
@#@†««««:, song or movie or book, so i think, how ,:««««†@#@
@@@@††:«:, would i have done it, what is the ,:«:††@@@@
##@#@†:«:, purpose of this process, what does it ,:«:†@#@##
@@#†:«:,,, consist of...? and through the process ,,,:«:†#@@
@##@††:«:, more and more pieces falls off until ,:«:††@##@
###@#†:«:, i'm standing there with nothing. ,:«:†#@###
@@::,,,,,, ,,,,,,::@@
##†«««:,,, reductionist hell - ,,,:«««†##
#@@#@†:«:, i wan't a bottom floor, a concept ,:«:†@#@@#
##††:::,,, bedrock, but the deeper i go the more ,,,:::††##
##@#@†:«:, abstract they are, the things, until ,:«:†@#@##
#†«,,,,,,, they cease to be things at all ,,,,,,,«†#
###†††:«:, ,:«:†††###
#@#††««,,, are we just stacked triangles? there is ,,,««††#@#
@###@†:«:, nothing i can do with triangles. they ,:«:†@###@
##@@†«««:, can not shelter me in any meaningful ,:«««†@@##
##@#@†:«:, sense. ,:«:†@#@##
##@#@†:«:, ,:«:†@#@##
##@#@†:«:, and when i can't even anchor myself, ,:«:†@#@##
#@@:««:::, when i am nothing but the question, it ,:::««:@@#
#@†:«,,,,, feels like it can all slip through my ,,,,,«:†@#
@#@:«::,,, fingers... "whoops", and nothing ever ,,,::«:@#@
@#@@†«,,,, was after that. ,,,,«†@@#@
###@#@†:«, ,«:†@#@###
#@@#@†:«:, ,:«:†@#@@#
@#@:::««:, ,:««:::@#@
@@@†††:«:, ,:«:†††@@@
#@@#@†:«:, ,:«:†@#@@#