.@@@.....@ @@.@..@.@@
@@..@....@ @.@@@.@@@.
@.@.@@...@ .@@..@@..@
.@@@@.@..@ .@.@.@.@.@
@@...@@@.@ @@@@@@@@@@
@...@.@.@@ -- @@@.......
.@......@@ %.@%.@%.@ -..- .%@.%@.%@ @.@@......
..@.....@. .@ %@ ..@@@.....
...@...... @% at first they think they hear a .% ..@.@@....
....@..... %. bird, an elusive call they can't @. @...@@@...
.....@.... .@ place, and they will linger. lured %@ @@..@.@@..
......@... @% by the trills (we create synthetic .% .@@...@@@.
.......@.. %. trills to saturate and confuse the @. .@@@..@.@@
@.......@. .@ senses) they edge nearer. until %@ .@.@@...@@
@@.......@ @% they are suddenly too close. then .% ...@@@..@.
@@@....... %. our full call in all it's majesty, @. ...@.@@...
@.@@...... .@ piercing them and enflaming a fake %@ .....@@@..
..@@@..... @% love to drench all others! .% .....@.@@.
..@.@@.... .@ %@ .......@@@
@...@@@... @%.@%.@%. %@.%@.%@. .......@.@
@@..@.@@.. -..- .........@
.@@...@@@. %.@%.@%.@ .%@.%@.%@ .........@
.@@@..@.@@ .@ %@ @.........
.@.@@...@@ @% and then, we quickly pull away .% .@........
...@@@..@. %. that new love, and they shall be @. ..@.......
...@.@@... .@ like moths, searching for any %@ ...@......
.....@@@.. @% glimmer, anything to nurture this .% ....@.....
.....@.@@. %. new and fiery need we instilled @. .....@....
.......@@@ .@ in their hearts. %@ ......@...
.......@.@ @% .% .......@..
.........@ %.@%.@%.@ -..- .%@.%@.%@ @.......@.
.........@ -- @@.......@
@......... @@@.......
.@........ @.@@......
..@....... ..@@@.....
...@...... ..@.@@....
....@..... ....@@@...
.....@.... ....@.@@..