#@@¤@%^~,, ,,~^%@¤@@#
#@@¤@%^~,, ,,~^%@¤@@#
#@@¤@%^~,, ,,~^%@¤@@#
#@@¤@%^~,, ,,~^%@¤@@#
#@@¤@%^~,, ,,~^%@¤@@#
@@@¤@%^~,, ^^^ clarinet ^^^ ,,~^%@¤@@@
#@@¤@%^~,, ~¤~ ,,~^%@¤@@#
@@@¤@%^~,, ,,~^%@¤@@@
@@@@^~,,,, the clarinet is a darkish tube with a ,,,,~^@@@@
#@@¤@%^~,, blow hole and a music hole, in separate ,,~^%@¤@@#
@¤@%~~~,,, ends. on it's side are levers and ,,,~~~%@¤@
#@@¤@%^~,, buttons to guide its unfathomable power. ,,~^%@¤@@#
@¤%^,,,,,, ,,,,,,^%¤@
#@@¤@%^~,, it was designed for humans but can be ,,~^%@¤@@#
@@@¤@%^~,, used by any being with blowing ,,~^%@¤@@@
##@@@%^~,, capabilities and at least some fingers. ,,~^%@@@##
@@@%%~,,,, ,,,,~%%@@@
@@@¤@%^~,, ~¤^¤~ ,,~^%@¤@@@
¤%~,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,~%¤
#@@¤@%^~,, the clarinet can be thought of as a ,,~^%@¤@@#
@¤¤@%~,,,, pasttime or a tool, but also as a ,,,,~%@¤¤@
#@@¤@%^~,, weapon. as such it has been used in ,,~^%@¤@@#
¤@@^~~,,,, many campaigns, but at the time of ,,,,~~^@@¤
@¤¤@@%^~,, writing it has been lost for over ,,~^%@@¤¤@
@¤%~,,,,,, fourty years ,,,,,,~%¤@
##@¤@%^~,, ,,~^%@¤@##
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