@@@@@,@@@@ @,@@@@,,@,
,,,,@@,,,@ @@,,,@,@@@
,,,@,@,,@, ,@,,@@@,,@
,,@@@@,@@@ @@,@,,@,@@
,@,,,@@,,, ,@@@,@@@,@
@@,,@,@,,@ @,,@@,,@@@
,@,@@@@,@, ,,,=== outside ===,, @,@,@,@,,,
@@@,,,@@@@ ....†††††.... @@@@@@@,,,
,,@,,@,,,@ ,,,,,,@,,@
,@@,@@,,@, everything cool happens outisde! it's ,,,,,@@,@@
@,@@,@,@@@ where weather happens, it's the suns ,,,,@,@@,@
@@,@@@@,,@ domain. ,,,@@@,@@,
,@@,,,@,@@ ,,@,,@@,@@
@,@,,@@@,, trees are outside, rivers are outside, ,@@,@,@@,@
@@@,@,,@,@ most animals are outside. @,@@@@,@@,
,,@@@,@@@@ @@,,,@@,@@
,@,,@@,,,, ....†††††.... ,@,,@,@@,@
@@,@,@,,,@ @@,@@@,@@@
,@@@@@,,@@ "inside" is an artificial construct ,@@,,@@,,,
@,,,,@,@,@ @,@,@,@,,,
@,,,@@@@@, mathematically placed trees on the side @@@@@@@,,@
@,,@,,,,@@ of the road ,,,,,,@,@,
@,@@,,,@,, ,,,,,@@@@@
@@,@,,@@,@ cities come at a peculiar and horrible ,,,,@,,,,,
,@@@,@,@@@ cost, that must be kept secret. this is ,,,@@,,,,@
@,,@@@@,,@ the power of "inside" ,,@,@,,,@@
@,@,,,@,@, ,@@@@,,@,,
@@@,,@@@@, @,,,@,@@,@
,,@,@,,,@@ @,,@@@,@@,
,@@@@,,@,, @,@,,@@,@,
@,,,@,@@,@ @@@,@,@@@,
@,,@@@,@@@ ,,@@@@,,@@