the   power  plant   and  its  satellite 
 buildings glisten  on  the far  side  of 
 the pristine town lake.  wood is  burned 
 to  make  electricity and  heat.  or  at 
 least, that was  true  for a while.  but 
 all  the engineers come from other towns 
 these days. us locals are now  only good 
 to  be  janitors,  or  security  guards, 
 well, here it is:                        
   "wood is burned" - false.  it's fed  
  through some  sinister process  and   
   turned  into  a strange  chemical.   
   "the  plant  makes electricity and   
  heat" - false. this is all supplied   
  from somewhere  else. the  plant is   
  used to make  the  chemical, and for  
    releasing   it   into  the  lake.   
 the  chemical  that is released into the 
 water  we drink,  and  the forests where 
 we  hunt and forage, is called  pfa, and 
 it  is a  plasticine  agent. it collects 
 over  time  in   all   organic   beings, 
 actively   changing   their    molecular 
 makeup. simply  put, they are turning us 
 into plastic!