.^~~~~~==¤ ¤==~~~~~^.
.^~:=¤£@## ##@£¤=:~^.
....^^:==¤ ¤==:^^....
.^~:=¤£@## ##@£¤=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@@ @@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@@ #¤.....................................¤ @@£¤£=:~^.
......^:££ . . ££:^......
...^:==¤££ . The Dream . ££¤==:^...
.^~~~=£££¤ . Of Being Swallowed . ¤£££=~~~^.
.....~~=¤¤ . By The Beast. . ¤¤=~~.....
....^~===¤ . . ¤===~^....
.^~:=££¤££ #¤.....................................¤ ££¤££=:~^.
......^:££ ££:^......
.^~:=£¤£@@ # Inside ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # @@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# . An Animal . As If . To Be Safe #@£¤£=:~^.
.....^~:£¤ ¤£:~^.....
....~~~=¤¤ ..####@#...###...###. ¤¤=~~~....
.^~:=£¤£@# ~^.#### ~^.###~^. ####~. #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# ~^.#### ~^.###~^. ####~. #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤@## The Dream Of Resting Inside Another ##@¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# Animal. Thats How It Starts, #@£¤£=:~^.
...~~~:£¤£ ~^. With The Dream, .^~ £¤£:~~~...
.^~:=£¤£@# ~^.####~^.###~^.####~. #@£¤£=:~^.
....^~=£££ But This Time I Was Curious Of Where It £££=~^....
.^~:=££@## Was Going, ##@££=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@@ @:: ~~~~~~~~~~ ::@ @@£¤£=:~^.
....^~=¤££ :: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ :: ££¤=~^....
.^~:=£¤££@ @££¤£=:~^.
..^^::==££ The First Gate Is The Lips ££==::^^..
.^~:=£¤£@# #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# . . To Get At The Throat. . #@£¤£=:~^.
...^^^~=¤£ £¤=~^^^...
.^~:=£¤£@# To Be Falling Into The Water, The #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:===£¤@ Ocean, The Void, But It Must Be Done In @¤£===:~^.
...^^:£¤¤¤ The Right Way - In A Very Specific Way. ¤¤¤£:^^...
......^~=¤ ¤=~^......
.^^~~:==¤¤ :^^^~~~~~~~~~~~::::^^^^^^^:^~~~~^^^^^:^ ¤¤==:~~^^.
.^~:=£¤£@@ ^^^:::::::^^^^:~^ @@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:::::=¤ ^^^:::~~~^:~:::~^^^:~~~~:::::::^ ¤=:::::~^.
.....^:=¤£ ^^^^:^~~^::^:::::::::: £¤=:^.....
.....~===¤ ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ¤===~.....
...^~~:££¤ It'S Not A Bad Feeling, At First. It'S ¤££:~~^...
.^~:=£¤£@# Slow... Graceful... But Then It Gets #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤££@ Too Much And You Faint. @££¤£=:~^.
....~:===¤ :#^^:~^^^^~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::: ¤===:~....
.^~:=£¤£@# ::::::::::::: (You Will Feel Very Close #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£££ To Nature) £££¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£££ :#^^:~^^^^~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::: £££¤£=:~^.
..^~:::=£¤ ::::::::::::: (You Will Feel Very Close ¤£=:::~^..
.^~:=£££¤¤ To The Beast That Is Everything) ¤¤£££=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# :#^^:~^^^^~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::: #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤££@ ::::::::::::: (Only Through Its Help) @££¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤££@ :#^^:~^^^^~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:: (Very @££¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤@## Hard To Get Here Without The Aid Of The ##@¤£=:~^.
.^~::=££££ Beast) ::: (State Where The Human Is ££££=::~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# Submerged In The Animal) ::: :: #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# (Becoming The Animal) ::: (Forget #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~~~==£¤¤ Everything Else) ::: :: (My Soul Is The ¤¤£==~~~^.
.^^^~:=¤¤@ Beast'S Soul) ::: (A Sludgy Sense Of @¤¤=:~^^^.
.^~:=£¤£@# Satisfaction. It'S Good) ::: (It'S #@£¤£=:~^.
.....^:£££ Good) ::: :: (Breathing Heavily) ::: £££:^.....
.^~~:==¤¤@ ::: :: (The Two Souls Will Move @¤¤==:~~^.
....^~:££@ Together) ::: (Merge And Dissolve) ::: @££:~^....
......^~=¤ (Collective Body) ::: (Rearranged And ¤=~^......
.^~:=£¤£@@ Reordered) ::: (The Individual Is Not @@£¤£=:~^.
.^~~:==£¤£ So Important) £¤£==:~~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# #@£¤£=:~^.
...^^:=¤¤¤ ¤¤¤=:^^...
.^~~~:==¤¤ ¤¤==:~~~^.
.^~:=£¤£@# #@£¤£=:~^.
.^~:=£¤£@@ @@£¤£=:~^.