###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
££====/~~, ,~~/====££
#££££=/~~, ,~~/=££££#
#££///~,,, ,,,~///££#
###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, #£,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,£ ,~~/=££###
#££/~~,,,, , , ,,,,~~/££#
££//~~,,,, , the dream , ,,,,~~//££
#£=~~,,,,, , of being swallowed , ,,,,,~~=£#
£==/~~~,,, , by the beast. , ,,,~~~/==£
##££/~,,,, , , ,,,,~/££##
#£££==/~~, #£,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,£ ,~~/==£££#
###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, # inside ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, , an animal , as if , to be safe ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, ,,######,,,###,,,###, ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, ~~,#### ~~,###~~, ####~, ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, ~~,#### ~~,###~~, ####~, ,~~/=££###
£££////~~, the dream of resting inside another ,~~////£££
##££///~~, animal. thats how it starts, ,~~///££##
###££=/~~, ~~, with the dream, ,~~ ,~~/=££###
#££/~,,,,, ~~,####~~,###~~,####~, ,,,,,~/££#
###££=/~~, but this time i was curious of where it ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, was going, ,~~/=££###
####£=/~~, #// ~~~~~~~~~~ //# ,~~/=£####
###££=/~~, // ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ // ,~~/=££###
##£/~,,,,, ,,,,,~/£##
###££=/~~, the first gate is the lips ,~~/=££###
##£//~~~,, ,,~~~//£##
###££=/~~, , , to get at the throat. , ,~~/=££###
££=~~,,,,, ,,,,,~~=££
#££==/~~,, to be falling into the water, the ,,~~/==££#
###££=/~~, ocean, the void, but it must be done in ,~~/=££###
#££££=/~~, the right way - in a very specific way. ,~~/=££££#
###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~////~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~~~~/~ ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, ~~~///////~~~~/~~ ,~~/=££###
£££/~,,,,, ~~~///~~~~/~///~~~~/~~~~///////~ ,,,,,~/£££
##£/~,,,,, ~~~~/~~~~//~////////// ,,,,,~/£##
#££///~~~, ///////////////////// ///////////// ,~~~///££#
###££=/~~, it's not a bad feeling, at first. it's ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, slow... graceful... but then it gets ,~~/=££###
#££=/~,,,, too much and you faint. ,,,,~/=££#
£££££=/~~, /#~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/////// ,~~/=£££££
££=~~~,,,, ///////////// (you will feel very close ,,,,~~~=££
#££===/~~, to nature) ,~~/===££#
£=~~~,,,,, /#~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/////// ,,,,,~~~=£
###££=/~~, ///////////// (you will feel very close ,~~/=££###
££==~,,,,, to the beast that is everything) ,,,,,~==££
#£=~~~~~,, /#~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/////// ,,~~~~~=£#
####£=/~~, ///////////// (only through its help) ,~~/=£####
###££=/~~, /#~~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// (very ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, hard to get here without the aid of the ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, beast) /// (state where the human is ,~~/=££###
#£=~~~,,,, submerged in the animal) /// // ,,,,~~~=£#
£££=/~~,,, (becoming the animal) /// (forget ,,,~~/=£££
###££=/~~, everything else) /// // (my soul is the ,~~/=££###
##£=~~,,,, beast's soul) /// (a sludgy sense of ,,,,~~=£##
###££=/~~, satisfaction. it's good) /// (it's ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, good) /// // (breathing heavily) /// ,~~/=££###
£=~,,,,,,, /// // (the two souls will move ,,,,,,,~=£
#££££=/~~, together) /// (merge and dissolve) /// ,~~/=££££#
#£//~~,,,, (collective body) /// (rearranged and ,,,,~~//£#
#£=~~,,,,, reordered) /// (the individual is not ,,,,,~~=£#
###££=/~~, so important) ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
#££=~~,,,, ,,,,~~=££#
###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
###££=/~~, ,~~/=££###
##££=/~,,, ,,,~/=££##