#£^--^.... ....^--^£#
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
##£^-^.... A Drug ring Might Exist ....^-^£##
#££^\^.... Inside Most Drugs Or ....^\^££#
###£&^\-^. At Least A Few .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. ########## .^-\^&£###
####£&^\-. # # .-\^&£####
##&\-..... # ££££££££ # Six Edges .....-\#
###£&^\-^. # # Means Six .^-\^&£###
£&&^\\\-^. # £ £ # Vertices, .^-\\\^&&£
#£^\\^.... # £ £ # Each Holding ....^\\^£#
##££&^\-^. # £ £ # A Carbon .^-\^&££##
#&&\-^.... # # ....^-\&
#£&&^^\-^. ########## .^-\^^&&£#
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. ##### .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. There Is A Five # £££ # .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. Edged One As Well # £ # .^-\^&£###
££&&\\\-^. But They Are More ## £ ## .^-\\\&&££
###£&^\-^. Powerful If Stuck ### .^-\^&£###
£^^---.... Together ....---^^£
###£&^\-^. And A Nitrogen Is Added .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. ## .^-\^&£###
£^-^...... ## ## ......^-^£
###£&^\-^. ## ££ ## # N .^-\^&£###
####&^\-^. ## ££ ## ### # .^-\^###
####£^\-^. # ££ # # .^-\^£####
###£&^\-^. # £ # # It Looks .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. # £ # £ # Like A .^-\^&£###
££&^-^^^^. # £ # £ # Mandelbrot .^^^^-^&££
###£&^\-^. # ££ # £ # .^-\^&£###
£^-^...... ## ££ ## ### # ......^-^£
###£&^\-^. ## ££ ## ### .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. ## ## .^-\^&£###
£^^-...... ## ......-^^£
#£^----... ...----^£#
###£&^\-^. These Are Mostly Found In Nature But .^-\^&£###
£^^^-^.... Not Always. People Have Learned How To ....^-^^^£
£^-....... Make Them... .......-^£
###£&^\-^. Like A Hack For The Nervous System .^-\^&£###
##£^\--^.. ..^--\^£##
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###
###£&^\-^. .^-\^&£###