##@£*=;«,, ,,«;=*£@##
#@@£*=;«,, ,,«;=*£@@#
@@@£*=;«,, ,,«;=*£@@@
@@*=«,,,,, ,,,,,«=*@@
@@@£*=;«,, ,,«;=*£@@@
#@@£*=;«,, a drug ring might exist ,,«;=*£@@#
@**;;,,,,, inside most drugs or ,,,,,;;**@
££*;«,,,,, at least a few ,,,,,«;*££
££=«««««,, ,,«««««=££
@@@£*=;«,, ########## ,,«;=*£@@@
##@£*=;«,, # # ,,«;=*£@##
£==«««,,,, # ££££££££ # six edges ,,,,«««==£
@*=;«,,,,, # # means six ,,,,,«;=*@
##@£*=;«,, # £ £ # vertices, ,,«;=*£@##
££*;;«,,,, # £ £ # each holding ,,,,«;;*££
#@@£*=;«,, # £ £ # a carbon ,,«;=*£@@#
@££==««,,, # # ,,,««==££@
@@@£*=;«,, ########## ,,«;=*£@@@
@£££*=;«,, ,,«;=*£££@
@@££*=;«,, ##### ,,«;=*££@@
#@@£*=;«,, there is a five # £££ # ,,«;=*£@@#
@££*=«,,,, edged one as well # £ # ,,,,«=*££@
£=«,,,,,,, but they are more ## £ ## ,,,,,,,«=£
£££*=;««,, powerful if stuck ### ,,««;=*£££
#@@£*=;«,, together ,,«;=*£@@#
@@@£*=;«,, and a nitrogen is added ,,«;=*£@@@
@@£=«,,,,, ## ,,,,,«=£@@
@£££*=;«,, ## ## ,,«;=*£££@
##@£*=;«,, ## ££ ## # n ,,«;=*£@##
£=;«,,,,,, ## ££ ## ### # ,,,,,,«;=£
##@@£*;«,, # ££ # # ,,«;*£@@##
#@@£*=;«,, # £ # # it looks ,,«;=*£@@#
@£*=;«,,,, # £ # £ # like a ,,,,«;=*£@
#@@£*=;«,, # £ # £ # mandelbrot ,,«;=*£@@#
£==««,,,,, # ££ # £ # ,,,,,««==£
#@@£*=;«,, ## ££ ## ### # ,,«;=*£@@#
#@@£*=;«,, ## ££ ## ### ,,«;=*£@@#
£=;;««,,,, ## ## ,,,,««;;=£
@*;,,,,,,, ## ,,,,,,,;*@
@@@£*=;«,, ,,«;=*£@@@
@@@£*=;«,, these are mostly found in nature but ,,«;=*£@@@
#@@£*=;«,, not always. people have learned how to ,,«;=*£@@#
@@££*=;«,, make them... ,,«;=*££@@
#@@£*=;«,, like a hack for the nervous system ,,«;=*£@@#
£=====;«,, ,,«;=====£
##@£*=;«,, ,,«;=*£@##
@@£*;,,,,, ,,,,,;*£@@
££*;;««,,, ,,,««;;*££
@£==«,,,,, ,,,,,«==£@
@***=«,,,, ,,,,«=***@