##@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@##
##%%%»¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨»%%%##
@@@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@@@
#@@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@@#
@@@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@@@
#%*^^^¨¨¨¨ **»»»»»»»»»»»»»»** ¨¨¨¨^^^*%#
@#%»¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨»%#@
#@@#%%*»^¨ »»»»»** **»»»»» ¨^»*%%#@@#
##@#%%*»^¨ ** ** ¨^»*%%#@##
#%%***^^^¨ »»»»»»»»»** jesper's field **»»»»»»»»» ¨^^^***%%#
@@@#%%*»^¨ ** ** ¨^»*%%#@@@
@##%**»»^¨ »»»»»** **»»»»» ¨^»»**%##@
#@@#%%*»^¨ ** ¨^»*%%#@@#
#%%**^¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨^**%%#
#@@#%%*»^¨ suspicious and trap-like. just ¨^»*%%#@@#
##%%*^¨¨¨¨ east of g-town, if you follow the train ¨¨¨¨^*%%##
##@@#%%»^¨ tracks, suddenly the trees disappear ¨^»%%#@@##
##@@#%%*^¨ and make way for what looks like fifty ¨^*%%#@@##
@@@#%%*»^¨ thousand square meters of orange grass. ¨^»*%%#@@@
@%%%»»^^¨¨ ¨¨^^»»%%%@
@#%**»¨¨¨¨ cold and endless metal rods ¨¨¨¨»**%#@
@%*^¨¨¨¨¨¨ on their gravel bed, but just a few ¨¨¨¨¨¨^*%@
###%%**»^¨ steps down and you're standing on the ¨^»**%%###
@@%%»¨¨¨¨¨ field's edge. you're alone in this. no ¨¨¨¨¨»%%@@
##@#%%*»^¨ other creature will go here. ¨^»*%%#@##
#@@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@@#
@%%%»»»^¨¨ further ahead you can see bushes in ¨¨^»»»%%%@
##@@#%%*»^ various colors, giving the area a ^»*%%#@@##
#@@#%%*»^¨ flowery vibe. they are thorny, and the ¨^»*%%#@@#
#@@#%%*»^¨ color comes from their twigs. ¨^»*%%#@@#
@@@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@@@
@%%**^¨¨¨¨ the real secret of the field is ¨¨¨¨^**%%@
#@@#%%*»^¨ the depth beneath it. there is no ¨^»*%%#@@#
#@@#%%*»^¨ ground. the grass might be tall and ¨^»*%%#@@#
@%*»»»^¨¨¨ bushy, but the roots have nothing to ¨¨¨^»»»*%@
##@#%%*»^¨ grow in. they will huddle together in a ¨^»*%%#@##
@@@#%%*»^¨ dense carpet but dare not stray ¨^»*%%#@@@
#%%*^¨¨¨¨¨ downward. ¨¨¨¨¨^*%%#
##@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@##
##@@#%*»^¨ **»»»»»»»»** ¨^»*%#@@##
#%***^¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨^***%#
#%%%*»»^¨¨ **»»»»»»»»»»»»** ¨¨^»»*%%%#
##@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@##
#@@#%%*»^¨ **»»»»»»»»** ¨^»*%%#@@#
@%%%*»^¨¨¨ ¨¨¨^»*%%%@
#@@#%%*»^¨ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¨^»*%%#@@#
#%*»^^¨¨¨¨ ^ modern ^ chrome and ^ reach your ^ ¨¨¨¨^^»*%#
@#%%%**»^¨ ^ european ^ plastic ^ destination ^ ¨^»**%%%#@
#@@#%%*»^¨ ^ comfort ^ leather ^ effortlessly ^ ¨^»*%%#@@#
@#%%»¨¨¨¨¨ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¨¨¨¨¨»%%#@
#%»»^¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨^»»%#
#@@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@@#
##@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@##
@@@#%%*»^¨ ¨^»*%%#@@@
@#%**^^^^¨ ¨^^^^**%#@