###£#=:«.. ..«:=#£###
£##¤=:.... ....:=¤##£
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
####¤=:«.. =#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=# ..«:=¤####
##£#¤=:«.. #= spider spy =# ..«:=¤#£##
####¤=:«.. =# rider [cling] #= ..«:=¤####
##£#¤=:«.. #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#= ..«:=¤#£##
##¤:«..... .....«:¤##
#===«««... doe (four legger) or humanoid alike, ...«««===#
##£#¤=:«.. can be subject to the tiny spider ..«:=¤#£##
#££#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#££#
##£#¤=:«.. sneaky underling, jumping on to the ..«:=¤#£##
£#¤:...... warm body and holding on, getting ......:¤#£
##£#¤=:«.. carried with... ..«:=¤#£##
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
##£#¤=:«.. spider is able to: ..«:=¤#£##
£££#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£££
####¤=:«.. «« look at information «« ..«:=¤####
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
#¤¤::::«.. «« remember important locations «« ..«::::¤¤#
####¤=:«.. ..«:=¤####
#££#¤=:«.. «« report back «« ..«:=¤#££#
#=«....... .......«=#
##¤::«.... ....«::¤##
##£#¤=:«.. #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#= ..«:=¤#£##
##£#¤=:«.. = spider's web # ..«:=¤#£##
#¤:«...... #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#= ......«:¤#
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
##¤:...... little web to catch prey and rival ......:¤##
#££#¤=:«.. spiders. ..«:=¤#££#
###£¤=:«.. ..«:=¤£###
####¤=:«.. spiral-like and radiating. opposing ..«:=¤####
##£#¤=:«.. forces (beam outward, lure inward). the ..«:=¤#£##
###£¤=:«.. real web is the shape. ..«:=¤£###
#===«..... .....«===#
££#¤=:.... and you'd catch fourleggers staring for ....:=¤#££
£¤¤:...... hours. secrets siphoned ......:¤¤£
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##
##¤=««.... ....««=¤##
###£#=:«.. ..«:=#£###
##£#¤=:«.. ..«:=¤#£##