..«/$£## ##£#&$/«..
..«/$£## ##£#&$/«..
..«/$£## ##£#&$/«..
..«/$£## ##£#&$/«..
......./ #&/.......
.....«$##£ when there is a stone in the puddle £##$«.....
..«/$£££ it is an annoyance to bear in mind, £££#&$/«..
..««//&# an obstacle to avoid ##&&//««..
..«/$££# #££#&$/«..
.....«/&££ when the mountain comes out of the sea, ££&/«.....
..«/$£## it is something to be cherished, ##£#&$/«..
..«««/$$&£ a god's finger reached out, £&$$/«««..
..«/$£## into space, into heat ##£#&$/«..
..«/$&££ ££#&&$/«..
..«$£### (force comes with scale) ###£#&$«..
..«/$££# #££#&$/«..
..«/$£££ millions of mirrors. and we are £££#&$/«..
..«/$£## launched into space: ##£#&$/«..
...«///$$# #$$///«...
..«////$ we sail on the concentrated sun, #&$////«..
.....«/&&£ even now our ally, even in our betrayal. £&&/«.....
..«/$£## ##£#&$/«..
.....«$#££ a stone through the puddle of ££#$«.....
..«/$### the helisophere. hoping to be ####&$/«..
..«/$£## the first scale on a spine of rock. ##£#&$/«..
...../$# ##&$/.....
..«/$$$£ £#&$$$/«..
..««//££ ££#&//««..
.....//&&£ £&&//.....
..«/$£## ##£#&$/«..