,,,£££££,£ ££,,,,££,£
£,,£,,,,££ ,,£,,,£,££
,£,££,,,£, £,££,,£££,
,£££,£,,££ £££,£,£,,£
££,,£££,£, ,,,£££££,£
,,£,£,,£££ inside on the floor, two glowing ,,,£,,,,££
£,££££,£,, squares of sunlight flooding in through £,,££,,,£,
£££,,,£££, the decorative windows. slowly making ££,£,£,,££
,,,£,,£,,£ their way across the room, eventually £,£££££,£,
,,,££,££,£ coming across his body. like two arms £££,,,,£££
£,,£,££,££ reaching his stomach, and then into his ,,,£,,,£,,
££,£££,££, ribcage, gripping something there. £,,££,,££,
£,££,,££,£ ,£,£,£,£,£
,££,£,£,££ fox body pressing close. its eyes ,£££££££££
££,££££££, opening his, asleep but staring into ££,,,,,,,,
£,££,,,,,£ its pupils, into the surface of the sun. ,,£,,,,,,,
£££,£,,,,£ £,££,,,,,,
£,,£££,,,£ £££,£,,,,,
££,£,,£,,£ £,,£££,,,,
£,£££,££,£ ££,£,,£,,,
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