££,¨£§¤¨¨§ ¤¨@,#,@¤.¨
¨&.£¨#£,¤# ¤,#,£,,&¨§
¨¤¨£,¨§¨.@ ¤.¤.¤,@#¨£
,&.@.@£,@@ &,&,§..#.§
¨¤¨#.¨¤,¨& ¤,¤¨£¨&£¨@
,¤.§¨£@.£# . , , §¨&.§.,£,@
.§¨£.,§.¨@ . &.&¨#,£¤.¤
.¤,#¨§§,&¤ ¨ , #,¤.¤¨¨@,&
,&¨£.,#¨,@ * Tiny Blue Purple §,§¨&,@£.£
,§,#.££¨¤@ ^ Seal-Like (Selkie?) Creature ¨ £.¤,#..&,§
,#,#,¨¤,.& Hovering In Orbit Around~ #¨@,¤,§§,&
,@¨¤¨.¤§ The Earth, Spinning, Chasing. §,&.¤,.@.#
.&.£.,#¨,# ~ ¨ &¨@¨§¨&£.£
,§.&.§£,@£ Looks At The Sun With Laser Eyes, §.£¨#,.#.#
¨#¨§¨,&.,@ Looks At The Earth'S Power Grid,¨ §¨@¨&.¤§,&
,#,§.#&¨¤§ ¨ ¨ . @¨@.¤,¨#.£
,#¨@,¨#¨¨& Says "Hmm...." - @.£.&.¤&,&
¨§¨@,¤¤.&& . ¤,£.£.¨£¨§
.£¨@.¨@.,¤ * ¨ &.¤,§,&£.§
.£¨@¨@£,§¤ , , ¤¨§,&..@,£
.#.@¨¨¤¨,& She Swims Toward The Iss. £¨§¨§¨§#¨£
.@.#,#§.£@ Matches Velocity, Phases Through The £,&.¤¨,§,§
¨¤.@,,§.,@ Wall To A Pockocmoc Scientist, . #,#¨&,£§.¤
¨@.&¨#&,#@ , ¨ @¨¤.£.¨§¨@
¨@.#¨¨¤¨.& She Says, "Hello", &¨£.@¨#&¨#
,@,#.§@,£§ She Says "Are You Aware That §¨#,&.,£,¤
¨¤.¤¨,@.¨& There'S A Burst #.¤,&¨&£,@
.@,&¨@&,§£ ~ Coming?" * @,@.@,.#,§
¨£.#.,@¨,# « @¨&,¤.&§,@
,§.¤.##.§£ ~ And The Station Personnel &.£,§¨.£,#
.¤,#.,§.¨§ Are Like, No, What, « £.£,#,¤#¨¤
¨#,#,&@,£@ Who Are You, Etcetera, Etcetera. ¤.#¨&¨.@.&
¨§,#¨¨¤¨,¤ \ * &.£.@¨¤¤¨#
,&,¤.@§.@@ She Says\"I Can Protect You &¨&,&,¨£¨£
,§,@,.§¨¨# ; In Your Tin Can, / ^ &¨&,¤,¤¤¨§
.&¨#.¤§.§@ But Your Planetary Friends, @ §.£,£¨.§,¤
,&.@..£¨¨@ Their Grid Will Be Burned." * @.§,#,¤#,§
¨&,¤,#§¨¤& * % ^ = #.§¨&.¨£¨#
¨£.@,¨§,¨£ She Says "You Will Be Alone @ ¤ ¤.£,¤,£#.£
,§,#¨@@,¤§ § For A While". § † §¨@,&¨,§,#
,@¨#¨¨¤..& @ @ @ &,¤¨§.§#,#
¨¤,§,£@.§§ & @ § † # § *# † § #¨£¨¤,,@,¤
,#,@.,@,,@ ,,The Selkie Phases Back Out,~.-~¤:£-,,, §,@¨§.¤&,@
,@,&,&£¨## &*§†#^&†£;#Spreads Her Membranes,†&*@*¤; @¨¤.¤¨,#¨#
,&¨#,¨£,,@ *£&&&£%£@*£¤Like Fluid Insect Wings,%£¤@ @¨&¨¤,§¤,#
,@,@.¤§.&¤ #.¨# #,A Dark Glimmering Laserdisc.#.# # £¨£¨@..§,¤
¨#,£,,£.¨@ ¨. . . . . .. , #,#¨&,§@.£
.@.#.&@¨¤¤ ¨¨ She Feeds.On.The Particles When, ^ &.#.£,,@.£
,£.#¨,#.¨¤ ¨, They Hit Her Stretched Skin. . , §.£,¤,§¤.£
,@.¤¨@¤¨§# ., And Behind¨Here Is,A Shadow, And ^ #,#,£¨,@,£
¨¤.@.¨#¨¨§ ,In That Shadow¨Is The Space Station.^ §,¤.§¨@§.§
.@.@.#§.#§ . . ¨ . ¨ ^ §¨&,§..§,&
¨§,§,,@¨,¤ . . ¨ ¨ - &.¤.#¨@@,&
,§,@¨#@,§# A Month Later,,The Earth Is Still,Dark. &,&,@,.£,&
.&,@.¨@,.# There'S No Contact, , , #¨£,£,@&,&
.&¨§,§@¨££ Maybe Some Shortwave And Shit,, @,#,§..§¨@
,£.#¨.#,¨§ , Confirming That Some ^ §¨£,£,¨§
.£,§,&£.#& , Society'S Still There. @,£.&,¨#.&
¨§.¤¨¨§.,£ : . £,&.#,¤@,@
¨&.£¨§&,&& ~ The Astronauts Are Unwell - ¤.§,&¨¨&,£
¨¤¨#,.#¨,# They Degenerate, In Weird £.§¨&,&§.£
,&¨§,#§.¤& Selkie-Induced Nursing Sleep, &,@¨@¨¨£.&
.£.¤¨,#.,£ To Keep Their Heartbeats Slow. @.£.@.¤@.#
¨£,&¨§¤¨#¤ ¤.§.§¨,¤,¤
,#¨¤,.§¨,¤ ¤,&,&¨#£.£
¨§,¤,@@¨&§ &¨£,§¨.#¨¤
.¤.@¨¨@..§ §.¤,@¨§#.£
¨#.£¨£¤¨§¤ &¨#¨@.,§¨£
.@¨§.¨£..£ @¨&¨#,¤&,£
¨¤.£.#¤¨## ¤¨¤,&,¨§,§
,¤¨§¨,@.¨@ &,¤¨#¨¤£.&
.#.#,§§¨@§ @.¤¨¤..¤,&
¨§.¤¨¨£¨,& §,@,§.£#.@