..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..
.....--=%# #%=--.....
..-=^%#### ####%^=-..
..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### the sick shit about ###£%^=-..
.....--^^£ £^^--.....
..-=%£#### £^£^£^£^£^£^£ ####£%=-..
..-=^%££## ^ our world ^ ##££%^=-..
......-^^£ £^£^£^£^£^£^£ £^^-......
....-=^£## ##£^=-....
..-=^%£### is that it's pretty young as worlds go, ###£%^=-..
....-==^%£ there must have been countless worlds £%^==-....
..-=^%%%%# here before ours, on this earth, and #%%%%^=-..
..-=^%£££# what about this: #£££%^=-..
..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..
....-^^^£# if i am a cat, twenty years of age, #£^^^-....
.....--^£# i've lived almost two percent of the #£^--.....
..-=^%£### time since zero bce ###£%^=-..
.....-=%%£ £%%=-.....
..-=^%£### things are recent. humanity is recent. ###£%^=-..
....-=^^^£ it was not, geologically speaking, such £^^^=-....
..-=^%£### a very long time since they invented ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### the wheel ###£%^=-..
..-=^%££££ and ££££%^=-..
..-=^%£### i like the wheel just as much as the ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### next person but what about the earth? ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### the original marble. the loose orb ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..
..-=^%££££ ££££%^=-..
......--^£ £^--......
..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..
..-=^%£### ###£%^=-..