§§§§§§§,,, ,§§,,§§§§,
,,,,,,§,,, §,§,§,,,§§
,,,,,§§,,§ §§§§§,,§,§
,,,,§,§,§§ ,,,,§,§§§§
,,,§§§§§,, ,,,§§§,,,§
§§,§§,,,,§ «« ,,§,§,§§§,
§,§§,§,,,§ †,#†,#†,# «,,« ,†#,†#,†# §,§§§§§,,§
,§§,§§§,,§ ,# †# §§§,,,,§,§
§§,§§,,§,§ #† at first they think they hear a ,† ,,,§,,,§§§
,,§§,§,§§§ †, bird, an elusive call they can't #, ,,,§§,,§,,
,,§,§§§§,, ,# place, and they will linger. lured †# §,,§,§,§§,
,,§§§,,,§, #† by the trills (we create synthetic ,† §§,§§§§§,§
§,§,,§,,§§ †, trills to saturate and confuse the #, §,§§,,,,§§
,§§§,§§,§, ,# senses) they edge nearer. until †# §§§,§,,,§,
,§,,§§,§§§ #† they are suddenly too close. then ,† §,,§§§,,§§
§§§,§,§§,, †, our full call in all it's majesty, #, §§,§,,§,§,
§,,§§§§,§, ,# piercing them and enflaming a fake †# ,,§§§,§§§§
,§,§,,,§§§ #† love to drench all others! ,† §,§,,§§,,,
,§§§§,,§,, ,# †# §§§§,§,§,,
,§,,,§,§§, #†,#†,#†, †#,†#,†#, §,,,§§§§§,
,§§,,§§§,§ «,,« ,§,,§,,,,§
§§,§,§,,§§ †,#†,#†,# ,†#,†#,†# §§§,§§,,,§
,,§§§§§,§, ,# †# §,,§§,§,,§
§,§,,,,§§§ #† and then, we quickly pull away ,† ,§,§,§§§,§
,§§§,,,§,, †, that new love, and they shall be #, §§§§§§,,§§
§§,,§,,§§, ,# like moths, searching for any †# §,,,,,§,§,
§,§,§§,§,§ #† glimmer, anything to nurture this ,† §§,,,,§§§§
,§§§§,§§§§ †, new and fiery need we instilled #, ,,§,,,§,,,
,§,,,§§,,, ,# in their hearts. †# ,,§§,,§§,,
,§§,,§,§,, #† ,† ,,§,§,§,§,
,§,§,§§§§, †,#†,#†,# «,,« ,†#,†#,†# ,,§§§§§§§§
§§§§§§,,,§ «« ,,§,,,,,,,
§,,,,,§,,§ ,,§§,,,,,,
§§,,,,§§,§ ,,§,§,,,,,
§,§,,,§,§§ ,,§§§§,,,,
§§§§,,§§§, ,,§,,,§,,,
§,,,§,§,,§ §,§§,,§§,,
§§,,§§§§,§ §§§,§,§,§,