.££.£££..£ ..£....££.
.£.££..£.£ ..££...£.£
££££.£.£££ £.£.£..£££
....££££.. .£££££.£..
....£...£. ££....£££.
£...£.£.£. «« £.£.......
£..£££££££ ^.#^.#^.# «..« .^#.^#.^# £££......£
£.£......£ .# ^# ..£.....£.
£££.....££ #^ at first they think they hear a .^ .££....£££
..£....£.£ ^. bird, an elusive call they can't #. £.£...£...
.££...££££ .# place, and they will linger. lured ^# £££..££...
£.£..£...£ #^ by the trills (we create synthetic .^ ..£.£.£...
£££.££..£. ^. trills to saturate and confuse the #. .££££££..£
..££.£.£££ .# senses) they edge nearer. until ^# £.....£.£.
.£.££££... #^ they are suddenly too close. then .^ £....££££.
£££...£..£ ^. our full call in all it's majesty, #. £...£...£.
..£..££.£. .# piercing them and enflaming a fake ^# £..££..£££
.££.£.££££ #^ love to drench all others! .^ £.£.£.£..£
£.££££...£ .# ^# £££££££.££
££...£..£. #^.#^.#^. ^#.^#.^#. ......££..
.£..££.££. «..« .....£.£.£
££.£.££.££ ^.#^.#^.# .^#.^#.^# ....££££££
.££££.££.£ .# ^# ...£......
£...££.££. #^ and then, we quickly pull away .^ ..££......
£..£.££.££ ^. that new love, and they shall be #. .£.£.....£
£.£££.££.. .# like moths, searching for any ^# ££££....£.
££..££.£.£ #^ glimmer, anything to nurture this .^ ...£...£££
.£.£.££££. ^. new and fiery need we instilled #. ..££..£...
£££££...£. .# in their hearts. ^# .£.£.££...
....£..££. #^ .^ £££££.£..£
...££.£.£. ^.#^.#^.# «..« .^#.^#.^# ....£££.££
..£.££££££ «« ...£..££.£
.£££.....£ ..££.£.£££
£..£....££ .£.££££..£
£.££...£.. £££...£.£.
££.£..££.. ..£..£££££
.£££.£.£.£ .££.£.....
£..££££££. £.£££.....