,,.,,..-*† †*-..,,.,,
¨¨,¨.¨.-«; ;«-.¨.¨,¨¨
¨..,¨..¨,« «,¨..¨,..¨
,..,,.¨.¨, ,¨.¨.,,..,
,...¨¨.¨.~ ~.¨.¨¨...,
¨,,,,¨,^»: #$-»~--==~~-~~....,,¨¨¨,.,~^~~«~=~=»=- :»^,¨,,,,¨
,¨...¨-~\% £ HANDCUFFS & %\~-¨...¨,
.,,¨¨:-†=& #¤~«~~»~-~-:^-~..,¨,.¨,.¨,,:.~«»«~==~«%# &=†-:¨¨,,.
¨¨.¨,-/%§¤ ¤§%/-,¨.¨¨
,¨.:=:%$§¶ shoplifters know aldi alarm tags only ¶§$%:=:.¨,
.¨:=*^£#@# trigger aldi alarms*. shoplifters also #@#£^*=:¨.
,^-**%@@## know that void mart alarm tags only ##@@%**-^,
..~«=*£££# trigger void mart alarms. #£££*=«~..
¨,,,«\§¤ #&¤§\«,,,¨
..¨¨~-*^%@ however, if you get caught handcuffs @%^*-~¨¨..
.¨¨,.:=^*£ can be put on you as a punishment by £*^=:.,¨¨.
,.¨.¨¨,~:^ police, and you are to wear them ^:~,¨¨.¨.,
¨¨.,.¨.--; indefenitely forever ;--.¨.,.¨¨
¨..¨,,,.:~ ~:.,,,¨..¨
,,,,,,,,,: , , , :,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,:~ , , , , , , ~:,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,:~= , , And They Will Trigger All Alarms , , =~:,,,,,,,
,,,,,,:~=§ , , , , , , §=~:,,,,,,
,,,,,:~=§@ , , , @§=~:,,,,,
,..¨~»†=$@ @$=†»~¨..,
,,.,»/†%¤@ while this is distressing at first and @¤%†/»,.,,
,,,~^^*££# can certainly lead to anxiousness, most #££*^^~,,,
.^==%*§¶## store workers are sympathetic and will ##¶§*%==^.
..,»:§§§@# let you go if you ask them. #@§§§:»,..
¨¨¨~~*%$ #&$%*~~¨¨¨
¨.¨.:==%§& &§%==:.¨.¨
,¨¨¨.~»\*$ $*\»~.¨¨¨,
,..,.¨,~^% %^~,¨.,..,
¨.¨,.,,^=\ \=^,,.,¨.¨
* probably not true, idk