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¨,,,£,¨.¨¨ £¨...¨¤£..
#¤&,¨,¤&¤# ¨¨§#¤¨,¨¨@
£§¨.£..£&@ Kudzu @¨.#¨.&§¨.
..,..,,¨@& .¨,.,.¨.,.
££§§££@¨¨¨ /=::* ;:\:: ::†^/ ;^*:; :†\\* ==::/ †=\\ @§£§§#@#§@
@#&§&@¨¨£@ =/^\ ;;^\ *\/: ;^*/ \=\; :=;\ :;\ ¨§@¤&@#£#&
&£¤#@.,¨,. :/= ^†= =†^ :/† */* *=* ^*; .,§#@§@@¤#
£¤&£.¨@§¤& *= *^ /; *\ ^; ^^ \^ ¤,,§§@£#@£
@#¤,¨..¤¤, ; ^Kudzu† Is † A \Plant^ ^ ,..,£&&&¤#
§@¨,£&..., / \ * : For ^Keeps* \ .#§..£#@
@,.,¨.,£§# † For ^Tying= And ^ \ / † ¨,,¨..§£&¤
.¨¤&¤&¨¨#& = † \ Animal†Holds: : ¨&§#@¨¨&@&
.,¨££,¨¨,§ * / * / \ : ; ,¨@¤,¨..@¨
,..¨##.¨ ^ : : \ * † ^ .¨,..&£,¨,
.,.@§¨.,., ^ : † = ^ / † @@¤&...,§¨
#§,,.¨#§¤§ † / † : ^ \ = ¨¤@,,#£¨.,
.,¨@£¨¨§§, * ^ † = ^ ^ : ¨.¨,,.¨.&¨
£¤.,¨,..¨¨ This Vine Is †From *Lands: Far †From @#§¤¤...
,,¨¤#&@£¤§ Kirugu,* And = Was Brought Over* For ££§@§£,,¤¨
##,,¤&&¤£& Its Uses : In = ^ Binding £@#£#,,.,,
¨..,¨&§@ Creatures,* : Or \ Spells, ¤££¤,¨§¤#.
¤#¤@,¨#&¤@ \ ; ^ £@&,,..&.¨
,£#,¨¨¨@ = * † @£.¨&&¨,.,
..¨,§@.,@¤ Ensnaring Those ; Who Must Be Still &,,.,.¨@#&
.¤¤¨,,,¨.# † ¨.#@£#¨¨&¨
.,,.&@&@¨. It'S A Fast Growing* Monstrosity Which ,¨¨#@¨..¨.
£§£,,@&,¨¨ Will Eat Entire Vill;Ges As It Crawls £#,..¨£#¤£
¤@.¨¨,,¨£& Over Them. But ; It Tastes Sweet ¨,,§¤..££@
¤.¨#&¤£,.¨ And Has A Lowkey : Hypnotic &£.,¨¨,,&¤
.¨..@@,¨§@ Quality = ((Nice)) §¨¨@#§&..£
,@¤.....¨¤ (Think Sylveon = Feelers) ¨¨¨,#¤.¨,,
..¨¨&¤,, .. Probably Feeds This Way.. ¤@§¨¨¨¨#§§
¨££,,@¤.¨§ @&.¨¤¤..#¨
¨,.¨¨¨¨.¨¨ ,,,...¨¨,,
£¤£##§££§¤ &&@§@¤&¤§@
#£#¤&¤&¤¤@ £¤¤&&@#§§£
@@@£¤£¤£@£ §@££¤&&¤§&