@@=====... ...=====@@
@@====†=,. .,=†====@@
#@†=,..... .....,=†@#
#@†,,,.... ....,,,†@#
#@#@@=†=,. .,=†=@@#@#
#@#@@=†=,. #...........# .,=†=@@#@#
##@#@=†=,. .,=†=@#@##
#@@@==†=,. morning quiet .,=†==@@@#
###@@=†=,. .,=†=@@###
##@@@=†=,. #...........# .,=†=@@@##
#@#@@=†=,. .,=†=@@#@#
##@@††,... i sit in my cubicle in the work mill ...,††@@##
#@#@@=†=,. and feel somewhat at peace - i've .,=†=@@#@#
@@#@@=†=,. entered a bright anomaly. morning .,=†=@@#@@
#@#@@=†=,. liminality. .,=†=@@#@#
@@#@@=†=,. .,=†=@@#@@
###@@=†=,. #.# .,=†=@@###
@#@@===... ...===@@#@
#@#@@=†=,. no one is here. there's dust in the .,=†=@@#@#
@##@@=†=,. air. a strong light shines through the .,=†=@@##@
#@=†=,.... windows, and turns the office into ....,=†=@#
@#@@==†=,. something new. i pretend it's the sun. .,=†==@@#@
@@†,...... ......,†@@
@@@††==,.. i speak with the plants in my head. ..,==††@@@
#@@@@=†=,. they are getting too much water, or the .,=†=@@@@#
#@#@@=†=,. water they get is of dubious quality. .,=†=@@#@#
@@@@@=†=,. .,=†=@@@@@
@@==...... ......==@@
#@=†,,.... ....,,†=@#
##@@@=†=,. .,=†=@@@##
##@@@=†=,. .,=†=@@@##
@@@@@=†=,. .,=†=@@@@@