#£££%%/--. .--/%%£££#
#%%%/---.. ..---/%%%#
###£%%/--. .--/%%£###
####%%/--. .--/%%####
##£%%%/--. .--/%%%£##
###£%%/--. %##..... -#- .....##% .--/%%£###
###£%%/--. silverfinger weed .--/%%£###
#%/--..... %##..... -#- .....##% .....--/%#
##%/-..... .....-/%##
####£%%/-. this flower has five petals, one for .-/%%£####
#££%----.. each traditional sense (hearing, touch, ..----%££#
###£%%/--. vision, smelling, tasting). .--/%%£###
££%///-... ...-///%££
###£%%/--. because you can't know which is which, .--/%%£###
###£%%/--. you mostly eat the whole plant .--/%%£###
####£%%--. and ignore the senses you're not .--%%£####
#£%---.... interested in. ....---%£#
£%%%%//--. .--//%%%%£
##%%%--... the flower itself is small and yellow ...--%%%##
#£%/-----. and looks kinda inconsequential. .-----/%£#
###£%%/--. however, it has silvery hairs... .--/%%£###
#£%/-..... .....-/%£#
###£%%/--. .--/%%£###
###£%%/--. .--/%%£###
###£%%/--. .--/%%£###
##£%/-.... ....-/%£##