.....£.£.£ ..£££.....
....££££££ .£..£.....
...£.....£ ££.££.....
..££....££ .££.£.....
.£.£...£.. £.£££.....
££££..££.£ the last song on side b (and to some ££..£.....
...£.£.£££ extent the first song on side a) talks .£.££....£
..£££££... for the whole album, not just their £££.£...££
.£....£..£ side. the last song on side b is ..£££..£.£
££...££.£. probably the most important .£..£.££££
.£..£.££££ opportunity, the most charged slot. ££.£££....
££.£££...£ .££..£....
.££..£..£. .@#@. £.£.££...£
£.£.££.£££ ££££.£..££
££££.££... the album is a singularity, an anomaly ...£££.£..
...££.£..£ in spacetime, a creature that knows ..£..£££.£
..£.£££.£. exactly how beautiful it is. .££.£..£££
.£££..££££ . £.£££.£..£
£..£.£.... and the thing is: it sees itself in ££..£££.££
£.££££...£ three d. it knows that it's dying. .£.£..££..
££...£..££ ££££.£.£.£
.£..££.£.. **££**££**££**££**££££**££**££**££**££** ...££££££.
££.£.£££.. ..£.....£.
.££££..£.£ ^ dolphins and cats ^ .££....£££
£...£.£££. bring us £.£...£..£
£..£££..£. . flowers and honey . £££..££.£.
£.£..£.££. ..£.£.££££
£££.£££.£. ^ dolphins and cats ^ .£££££....
..££..£££. bring us £....£...£
.£.£.£..£. . fairies and bees . £...££..££
££££££.£££ £..£.£.£.£
.....££... our boat is afloat £.£££££££.
....£.£..£ on a surface of lilies ££......£.
...££££.£. ^ dolphins and cats ^ .£.....££.
..£...££££ drag us down ££....£.£.
.££..£.... .~* underneath *~. .£...££££.
£.£.££...£ ££..£...£.
££££.£..£. **££**££**££**££**££££**££**££**££**££** .£.££..£££
...£££.££. £££.£.£...
..£..££.£. side a is foresty, and side b might ..£££££...
.££.£.£££. be lizardy. but the last song is full .£....£...
£.££££..£. of space. ££...££...
££...£.££. .£..£.£..£
.£..£££.££ ££.££££.£.
££.£..££.. .££...£££.
.£££.£.£.. £.£..£..££
£..£££££.£ £££.££.£.£