###¤$;~-,, ,,-~;$¤###
##¤$;~-,,, ,,,-~;$¤##
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;~-,,,,,,, ### ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ $¤¤ $$$ $$$ ¤¤$ ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ ### ,,,,,,,-~;
~-,,,,,,,, ¤# ¤# ¤ $¤ $ $ ¤$ ¤ #¤ #¤ ,,,,,,,,-~
;~-,,,,,,, #######$##$#$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$#$##$####### ,,,,,,,-~;
$;~-,,,,,, # once you get hold of the mother # ,,,,,,-~;$
¤$;~-,,,,, # plasmid, there's no one to stop you. # ,,,,,-~;$¤
#¤$;~-,,,, # once it's fully integrated in your # ,,,,-~;$¤#
##¤$;~-,,, # system, it'll consider you its host # ,,,-~;$¤##
###¤$;~-,, # and give you any gene you encounter # ,,-~;$¤###
####¤$;~-, # that it considers beneficial. # ,-~;$¤####
###¤$;~-,, #######$##$#$$;$$$;;;;$$$;$$#$##$####### ,,-~;$¤###
##¤$;~-,,, ,,,-~;$¤##
#¤$;~-,,,, cannibalism is great, ,,,,-~;$¤#
¤$;~-,,,,, i am a firm believer. ,,,,,-~;$¤
$;~-,,,,,, it's a magical process, a superb way ,,,,,,-~;$
;~-,,,,,,, of acquiring talent and looks. ,,,,,,,-~;
~-,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,-~
;~-,,,,,,, #######$##$#$$;$$$;;;;$$$;$$#$##$####### ,,,,,,,-~;
$;~-,,,,,, # you get a tail, you get wings, you # ,,,,,,-~;$
¤$;~-,,,,, # get horns, you get fur, you get a # ,,,,,-~;$¤
#¤$;~-,,,, # whole new level of power, and you # ,,,,-~;$¤#
##¤$;~-,,, # get a whole new level of perception. # ,,,-~;$¤##
###¤$;~-,, # it's beautiful. # ,,-~;$¤###
####¤$;~-, #######$##$#$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$#$##$####### ,-~;$¤####
###¤$;~-,, ¤# ¤# ¤ $¤ $ $ ¤$ ¤ #¤ #¤ ,,-~;$¤###
##¤$;~-,,, ### ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ $¤¤ $$$ $$$ ¤¤$ ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ ### ,,,-~;$¤##
#¤$;~-,,,, ,,,,-~;$¤#
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