,@,,,,,@@, ,,,@,,,,@@
,,@,,,,@@@ ,,,,@,,,@@
@,,@,,,@,@ @,,,,@,,@@
@@,,@,,,,@ @@,,,,@,@,
@@@,,@,,,@ @@@,,,,,,,
@,@@,,@,,, ### @@@ @@@ £@@ £££ £££ @@£ @@@ @@@ ### @,@@,,,,,,
,,@@@,,@,, @# @# @ £@ £ £ @£ @ #@ #@ ,,@@@,,,,,
,,@,@@,,@, #######£##£#£££££££ £££££££#£##£####### ,,@,@@,,,,
,,,,@@@,,@ # once you get hold of the mother # ,,,,@@@,,,
,,,,@,@@,, # plasmid, there's no one to stop you. # ,,,,@,@@,,
,,,,,,@@@, # once it's fully integrated in your # ,,,,,,@@@,
,,,,,,@,@@ # system, it'll consider you its host # ,,,,,,@,@@
@,,,,,,,@@ # and give you any gene you encounter # @,,,,,,,@@
@@,,,,,,@, # that it considers beneficial. # ,@,,,,,,@,
@@@,,,,,,, #######£##£#££^£££^^^^£££^££#£##£####### ,,@,,,,,,,
@,@@,,,,,, ,,,@,,,,,,
,,@@@,,,,, cannibalism is great, ,,,,@,,,,,
,,@,@@,,,, i am a firm believer. @,,,,@,,,,
,,,,@@@,,, it's a magical process, a superb way @@,,,,@,,,
,,,,@,@@,, of acquiring talent and looks. @@@,,,,@,,
,,,,,,@@@, @,@@,,,,@,
,,,,,,@,@@ #######£##£#££^£££^^^^£££^££#£##£####### ,,@@@,,,,@
@,,,,,,,@@ # you get a tail, you get wings, you # ,,@,@@,,,,
,@,,,,,,@, # get horns, you get fur, you get a # ,,,,@@@,,,
,,@,,,,,,, # whole new level of power, and you # ,,,,@,@@,,
,,,@,,,,,, # get a whole new level of perception. # ,,,,,,@@@,
,,,,@,,,,, # it's beautiful. # @,,,,,@,@@
@,,,,@,,,, #######£##£#£££££££ £££££££#£##£####### @@,,,,,,@@
@@,,,,@,,, @# @# @ £@ £ £ @£ @ #@ #@ ,@@,,,,,@,
@@@,,,,@,, ### @@@ @@@ £@@ £££ £££ @@£ @@@ @@@ ### ,@@@,,,,,,
@,@@,,,,@, ,@,@@,,,,,
,,@@@,,,,@ ,,,@@@,,,,
,,@,@@,,,, ,,,@,@@,,,
,,,,@@@,,, ,,,,,@@@,,
,,,,@,@@,, @,,,,@,@@,
,,,,,,@@@, ,@,,,,,@@@