         Internal Visionary State         
            The Spirit Travels            
                  A Cost                  
 I  Wake  Suddenly,  And  For  A   Second 
 Everything  Is Completely Calm And  Dead 
 Silent.  It'S  Dark,  And  Warm,  And  I 
 Slowly  Start   To  Piece  Together   My 
        Consciousness And My Body.        
 Then  The  Fear  Hits  Me  And   I  Feel 
   Acutely Sick. Something Is Wrong.    
 There  Are Circles And Crosses Inscribed 
 All Over  My Vision, Pressing  In, Being 
 Almost Hostile. I Can  Feel Them Squirm, 
    Their Internal Logic Changing And     
 Grinding Trenches In My Mind. It'S  Like 
 Language,  Sentences I Can'T Hide  From, 
 Forcefully Transcribed  In My  Mind, And 
           Doing Damage There.            
 Then  I Realize  I Can'T  Hear  Anything 
      Because There'S Something There     
    Already, Droning Everything Out, A    
 Rapid Melody,  Almost  Caustic  In  It'S 
        Particular Microtonality.         
 My Surroundings Are  Entirely Calm. It'S 
              Almost Mocking.             
 I Feel  Helpless,  But  I  Must  Try  To 
 Escape. To  Crawl On The Floor Searching 
 Relief,  Such Is  My Nature. Turning The 
     Lights On Does Nothing... Getting    
  Outside Does Nothing... Drinking Water  
 Does  Noting...  But  Time Does  - After 
     Thirty Seconds I'M Normal Again,     
 Doubting Anything  Of  This Happened  In 
             The First Place.             
 My Eyes  Are Still Tense Though, Scared. 
 I    Don'T    Know    What   To    Make. 
              But I'M Tired.              
 This  Can  Happen If You Wander Too Far, 
 I  Guess? I  Shouldn'T  Be  So  Reckless 
              When Dreaming?              
 I Imagine  A Prick  On The  Nose, That'S 
 What These Are. Like  You Do With  A Cat 
 Who  Comes To Close  To Your Sandwich...