@@@@*%:-,, ,,-:%*@@@@
##@@*%:-,, ,,-:%*@@##
##@@*%:-,, ,,-:%*@@##
##@@*%:-,, ,,-:%*@@##
@@%%::,,,, ,,,,::%%@@
@*%-,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,-%*@
@%-,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,-%@
@@*:--,,,, - - ,,,,--:*@@
##@@*%:-,, : human : ,,-:%*@@##
##@@*%:-,, - - ,,-:%*@@##
@@*:::,,,, , , ,,,,:::*@@
@@*%-,,,,, , , ,,,,,-%*@@
#@@%::-,,, ,,,-::%@@#
@@@@*%:-,, a human is some high level grainy space ,,-:%*@@@@
##@@*%:-,, shit walking around phenomenon on ,,-:%*@@##
##@@*%:-,, planet earth ,,-:%*@@##
##@@*%:-,, ,,-:%*@@##
@@@@*%:-,, these puzzling animals around the ,,-:%*@@@@
#@*%:-,,,, world... they are confused often, and ,,,,-:%*@#
###@@*:-,, have obscure interests like coloring or ,,-:*@@###
@*%%%-,,,, sorting or cultivating and eating very ,,,,-%%%*@
@%:--,,,,, specific plants ,,,,,--:%@
@%%%:,,,,, ,,,,,:%%%@
##@@*%:-,, like all mammals, they dream asleep, ,,-:%*@@##
@**:,,,,,, usually at night ,,,,,,:**@
@*%%-,,,,, ,,,,,-%%*@
#@@*:,,,,, and they dream of entering space with ,,,,,:*@@#
#@%-,,,,,, unusual machines and living forever (no ,,,,,,-%@#
###@@*:-,, real reasoning behind this concept, ,,-:*@@###
@%--,,,,,, doesn't matter) ,,,,,,--%@
@@@%:,,,,, ,,,,,:%@@@
@@%-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-%@@
#@@@*%:-,, ,,-:%*@@@#
#@@**%:-,, ,,-:%**@@#
###@@*%:-, ,-:%*@@###
@**:-,,,,, ,,,,,-:**@