,,,¤,¤¤,¤¤ ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,¤¤,¤, ¤,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,¤¤,,, ,¤,,,,,,,,
,,,,,¤¤¤,, ,,¤,,,,,,,
,,,,,¤,¤¤, ,,,¤,,,,,,
,,,,,,,¤¤¤ ~~ a looming green blimp ~~ ,,,,¤,,,,,
,,,,,,,¤,¤ ~~~ a hovering swamp ~~~ ¤,,,,¤,,,,
,,,,,,,,,¤ the ,¤,,,,¤,,,
,,,,,,,,,¤ ,,¤,,,,¤,,
,,,,,,,,,, ¤% == ~~~ ~~~ == ¤% ,,,¤,,,,¤,
,,,,,,,,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ floating tree ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,,,¤,,,,¤
¤,,,,,,,,, ¤% == ~~~ ~~~ == ¤% ¤,,,,¤,,,,
,¤,,,,,,,, ¤¤,,,,¤,,,
,,¤,,,,,,, home planet ,¤¤,,,,¤,,
,,,¤,,,,,, of ,¤¤¤,,,,¤,
,,,,¤,,,,, the bird elves ,¤,¤¤,,,,¤
¤,,,,¤,,,, ,,,¤¤¤,,,,
,¤,,,,¤,,, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,,¤,¤¤,,,
,,¤,,,,¤,, ,,,,,¤¤¤,,
,,,¤,,,,¤, a great fluffy silhouette against the ¤,,,,¤,¤¤,
,,,,¤,,,,¤ orange sunrise. it's the floating tree, ,¤,,,,,¤¤¤
¤,,,,¤,,,, suspended over the forests of venezuela. ,,¤,,,,¤,¤
¤¤,,,,¤,,, ¤,,¤,,,,,¤
,¤¤,,,,¤,, something swarming around it - bird ,¤,,¤,,,,¤
,¤¤¤,,,,¤, elves. they like the landbridgelessness. ,,¤,,¤,,,,
,¤,¤¤,,,,¤ this shit is unconnected. ,,,¤,,¤,,,
,,,¤¤¤,,,, ¤,,,¤,,¤,,
,,,¤,¤¤,,, it's the mothership - the elves launch ¤¤,,,¤,,¤,
,,,,,¤¤¤,, from here, the ratsonas spawn here (in ,¤¤,,,¤,,¤
¤,,,,¤,¤¤, seclusion), most orange juice is made ,¤¤¤,,,¤,,
,¤,,,,,¤¤¤ here ,¤,¤¤,,,¤,
,,¤,,,,¤,¤ ,,,¤¤¤,,,¤
¤,,¤,,,,,¤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,,¤,¤¤,,,
,¤,,¤,,,,¤ ¤,,,,¤¤¤,,
,,¤,,¤,,,, half of the leaves are ,¤,,,¤,¤¤,
,,,¤,,¤,,, astral projections... vines growing ,,¤,,,,¤¤¤
¤,,,¤,,¤,, wildly, untethered by the wind... ,,,¤,,,¤,¤
¤¤,,,¤,,¤, dreamroot poisoning the air (of course ¤,,,¤,,,,¤
,¤¤,,,¤,,¤ the non-elf inhabitants are waned ~ an ,¤,,,¤,,,¤
,¤¤¤,,,¤,, addiction they will never beat ~ or in ,,¤,,,¤,,,
,¤,¤¤,,,¤, rare cases immune) ,,,¤,,,¤,,
,,,¤¤¤,,,¤ ,,,,¤,,,¤,
,,,¤,¤¤,,, ¤,,,,¤,,,¤
¤,,,,¤¤¤,, ¤¤,,,,¤,,,
,¤,,,¤,¤¤, ¤¤¤,,,,¤,,
,,¤,,,,¤¤¤ ¤,¤¤,,,,¤,