:-^,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,^-:
§:-^,,,,,, ,,,,,,^-:§
£§:-^,,,,, ,,,,,^-:§£
§£§:-^,,,, ,,,,^-:§£§
#§£§:-^,,, ,,,^-:§£§#
##§£§:-^,, §^ ,,^-:§£§##
###§£§:-^, Kobold drug ,--£^, Is A General ,^-:§£§###
##§£§:-^,, ,^§-£:^, Term For Any ,,^-:§£§##
#§£§:-^,,, ,^-£^-£-^,, Substance ,,,^-:§£§#
§£§:-^,,,, ,,-:§^^§:-^,, That Can ,,,,^-:§£§
£§:-^,,,,, ,,^-§#^,§§:-^,,, Transform ,,,,,^-:§£
§:-^,,,,,, ,,^-:§#^,§§§:-^^,, ,,,,,,^-:§
:-^,,,,,,, ^^^^^---::§§£§#§-^,,^-§#§£§::---^^^,,,,, ,,,,,,,^-:
-^,,,,,,,, ,,^^^^---::§£§#§-^,,^-£#£§§::--^^^,,,,, ,,,,,,,,^-
:-^,,,,,,, ,,^^^^---::§§£#§:^,,^:£#£§::--^^^,,,,, ,,,,,,,^-:
§:-^,,,,,, ,,,^^^^---::§£§#:^, ^:§§£§::--^^^,,,, ,,,,,,^-:§
£§:-^,,,,, ,,,,,^^^---:§§§#§-, ^:§§£§:--^^^,,,, ,,,,,^-:§£
§£§:-^,,,, ,,,,,^^^--::§£§£-, ^:#£§::--^^,,,, ,,,,^-:§£§
#§£§:-^,,, ,,,,,^^^--::§§#:, ^:#£§:--^^,,, ,,,^-:§£§#
##§£§:-^,, ,,,,^^^--:§£#:^ ^§#£§:-^^,,, ,,^-:§£§##
###§£§:-^, ,,,,^^^-::§§§^ ^§§§:--^^,, ,^-:§£§###
##§£§:-^,, ,,,,^^^-:§£§- ^§§§:-^^,, ,,^-:§£§##
#§£§:-^,,, ,,,^^--:§#:,^§£:-^^,, ,,,^-:§£§#
§£§:-^,,,, ,,^^-:§§§,^#§:-^,, ,,,,^-:§£§
£§:-^,,,,, ,,,^-:§§,^#§-^,, Human ,,,,,^-:§£
§:-^,,,,,, ,,^-:§^^§:-,, Consciousness ,,,,,,^-:§
:-^,,,,,,, ,,^-£-^£-^, ,,,,,,,^-:
-^,,,,,,,, ,^:£-§^, ,,,,,,,,^-
:-^,,,,,,, ,^£--, ,,,,,,,^-:
§:-^,,,,,, ^§ ,,,,,,^-:§
£§:-^,,,,, ,,,,,^-:§£
§£§:-^,,,, Into A Kobold-Like State. The Term ,,,,^-:§£§
#§£§:-^,,, "Kobold" Can Be Applied To The State ,,,^-:§£§#
##§£§:-^,, Itself, And Also To The Beings That ,,^-:§£§##
###§£§:-^, Inhabit This State. ,^-:§£§###
##§£§:-^,, ,,^-:§£§##
#§£§:-^,,, ^^-§#,§£:-^^^, ,,,^-:§£§#
§£§:-^,,,, ^^-::£££§- -:§§§§::--^^ ,,,,^-:§£§
£§:-^,,,,, ^---::::::::-^ ^-:::::::::----^^^ ,,,,,^-:§£
§:-^,,,,,, ^^----:::::::---^, ,^-----------------^^ ,,,,,,^-:§
:-^,,,,,,, --------------^^^, ,,^^^^--------------- ,,,,,,,^-:
-^,,,,,,,, ----------^^^^^^,, ,,,^^^^^^^^^^^------- ,,,,,,,,^-
:-^,,,,,,, ---^^^^^^^^^^,,,,, ,,,,,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,,,,,,,^-:
§:-^,,,,,, ^^^^^^^^^^^,,,,, ,,,,,,,^^^^^^^^^^^^ ,,,,,,^-:§
£§:-^,,,,, ^^^^^^^^,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,^^^^^^^^^ ,,,,,^-:§£
§£§:-^,,,, ^^^^^,,,,,,,,, The ,,,,,,,,,,,^^^^^ ,,,,^-:§£§
#§£§:-^,,, ^^^,,,,,,,,, Classic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,^^ ,,,^-:§£§#
##§£§:-^,, Example ,,^-:§£§##
###§£§:-^, Of Kobold Drug Is The Liquid That Are ,^-:§£§###
##§£§:-^,, Produced By Mixing Kynurenic acid With ,,^-:§£§##
#§£§:-^,,, Ascorbic acid. However, There Are Other ,,,^-:§£§#
§£§:-^,,,, Options. ,,,,^-:§£§
£§:-^,,,,, ,,,,,^-:§£
§:-^,,,,,, ---------------------------------------- ,,,,,,^-:§
:-^,,,,,,, - It Is Worth Noting That Not - ,,,,,,,^-:
-^,,,,,,,, - Every Kobold-Like State Is Due To - ,,,,,,,,^-
:-^,,,,,,, - A Kobold Drug. Many Are Just A - ,,,,,,,^-:
§:-^,,,,,, - Result Of The Human Mind Being - ,,,,,,^-:§
£§:-^,,,,, - Tricked Into A Certain State, - ,,,,,^-:§£
§£§:-^,,,, - Such As Lucid dreaming. - ,,,,^-:§£§
#§£§:-^,,, ---------------------------------------- ,,,^-:§£§#
##§£§:-^,, ,,^-:§£§##
###§£§:-^, ,^-:§£§###
##§£§:-^,, ,,^-:§£§##
#§£§:-^,,, ,,,^-:§£§#
§£§:-^,,,, ,,,,^-:§£§