§§=»»»:... ...:»»»=§§
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
#§§=»»»:.. ..:»»»=§§#
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
##@§%=:»:. speed hole .:»:=%§@##
##@§%=:»:. :::::.:::: .:»:=%§@##
@@%=:::»:. .:»:::=%@@
@%%=»»»»:. turn your walkman like a turtle. there .:»»»»=%%@
###§%=:»:. might be something there that looks .:»:=%§###
##@§%=:»:. like a screw hole but it could be a .:»:=%§@##
§%%=:::»:. speed hole. .:»:::=%%§
#§=»...... the rule is if you can't get a ......»=§#
#@§==::... reasonably small screwdriver in there, ...::==§@#
@%%%==:»:. it's not a screw hole. .:»:==%%%@
###§%=:»:. .:»:=%§###
@@§=::.... § usage § ....::=§@@
@@§§%=:»:. .:»:=%§§@@
#§=»...... use the speed hole like a screw hole ......»=§#
@%%===:»:. but with a tinier screwdriver .:»:===%%@
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
##@§%=:»:. # this # .:»:=%§@##
@§§=»».... @ adjusts @ ....»»=§§@
@@@§%=:»:. # the # .:»:=%§@@@
#@%=»:.... .§ pitch §. ....:»=%@#
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
##@§%=:»:. some cassette players have speed screws .:»:=%§@##
#@@§%=:»:. but no holes for them. to get to those .:»:=%§@@#
#§=:»::... screws you need to dissasemble the ...::»:=§#
##@§%=:»:. whole thing. could be worth it .:»:=%§@##
@§§=:::... ...:::=§§@
@%%%=:»... ...»:=%%%@
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
##@§%=:»:. .:»:=%§@##
#@§§%=:»:. .:»:=%§§@#