@¶¤\:..... .....:\¤¶@
¶##¤¤§\»:. .:»\§¤¤##¶
@@¶#¤§\»:. .:»\§¤#¶@@
#@¶#¤§\»:. .:»\§¤#¶@#
¶##¤\»»»:. .:»»»\¤##¶
##¤¤\»:... ...:»\¤¤##
@@¶#¤§\»:. speed hole .:»\§¤#¶@@
##@¶¤§\»:. \\\\\.\\\\ .:»\§¤¶@##
¶¤§\»»»»:. .:»»»»\§¤¶
@¶¤\:..... turn your walkman like a turtle. there .....:\¤¶@
#§\:...... might be something there that looks ......:\§#
##¶#¤§\»:. like a screw hole but it could be a .:»\§¤#¶##
##@¶#§\»:. speed hole. .:»\§#¶@##
@¶¤\\:.... the rule is if you can't get a ....:\\¤¶@
#@¶#¤§\»:. reasonably small screwdriver in there, .:»\§¤#¶@#
@##¤§»»:.. it's not a screw hole. ..:»»§¤##@
#@¶#¤§\»:. .:»\§¤#¶@#
¶¤\\\\»:.. # usage # ..:»\\\\¤¶
¶¶¤\:..... .....:\¤¶¶
@¶¶#¤§\»:. use the speed hole like a screw hole .:»\§¤#¶¶@
¶¤\:...... but with a tinier screwdriver ......:\¤¶
@#¤¤§»»::. .::»»§¤¤#@
#@¶#¤§\»:. @ this @ .:»\§¤#¶@#
@@¶#¤§\»:. ¶ adjusts ¶ .:»\§¤#¶@@
@@¶#¤§\»:. # the # .:»\§¤#¶@@
@¶##¤§\»:. .# pitch #. .:»\§¤##¶@
##¶#¤§\»:. .:»\§¤#¶##
¶¤¤\»»:... some cassette players have speed screws ...:»»\¤¤¶
#@¶#¤§\»:. but no holes for them. to get to those .:»\§¤#¶@#
@¶#¤§§\»:. screws you need to dissasemble the .:»\§§¤#¶@
#@¶#¤§\»:. whole thing. could be worth it .:»\§¤#¶@#
¶#¤\::::.. ..::::\¤#¶
#@¶#¤§\»:. .:»\§¤#¶@#
#§\»:..... .....:»\§#
#¤¤¤¤§\»:. .:»\§¤¤¤¤#
¶¤¤\»»»:.. ..:»»»\¤¤¶