,~:§%£#@## ##@#£%§:~,
,,,,,~«:%# #%:«~,,,,,
,~«:§%£#@# #@#£%§:«~,
,,,,,~:%£# #£%:~,,,,,
,,,,,~::§£ £§::~,,,,,
,,,~~:%£## the last song on side b (and to some ##£%:~~,,,
,~«:§%£#@# extent the first song on side a) talks #@#£%§:«~,
,,,,,~:%£@ for the whole album, not just their @£%:~,,,,,
,,,,~~«§£@ side. the last song on side b is @£§«~~,,,,
,,,,,«:%£@ probably the most important @£%:«,,,,,
,~«:§%£#@# opportunity, the most charged slot. #@#£%§:«~,
,,,~::§%£# #£%§::~,,,
,~«:§£#@## ,###, ##@#£§:«~,
,,,~«««§££ ££§«««~,,,
,~«:%£#@## the album is a singularity, an anomaly ##@#£%:«~,
,,,,,«:%%# in spacetime, a creature that knows #%%:«,,,,,
,,,,~~:%%£ exactly how beautiful it is. £%%:~~,,,,
,,,,~«§§§£ , £§§§«~,,,,
,~«:§%£#@# and the thing is: it sees itself in #@#£%§:«~,
,,,,,,«§%# three d. it knows that it's dying. #%§«,,,,,,
,,,,,«§§£@ @£§§«,,,,,
,~«:§%£#@# §§%%§§%%§§%%§§%%§§%££%§§%%§§%%§§%%§§%%§§ #@#£%§:«~,
,~«:§%£#@# #@#£%§:«~,
,~«:§%£@## ~ dolphins and cats ~ ##@£%§:«~,
,~«:§%£#@# bring us #@#£%§:«~,
,,,~~««:%£ , flowers and honey , £%:««~~,,,
,~«:§§%%££ ££%%§§:«~,
,~«:§%£#@@ ~ dolphins and cats ~ @@#£%§:«~,
,,,,,,~:%# bring us #%:~,,,,,,
,~«:§%£#@# , fairies and bees , #@#£%§:«~,
,~«:§%£#@# #@#£%§:«~,
,,,~~«::%£ our boat is afloat £%::«~~,,,
,~«:§%£#@@ on a surface of lilies @@#£%§:«~,
,~«:§%£#@# ~ dolphins and cats ~ #@#£%§:«~,
,,,«:§§%££ drag us down ££%§§:«,,,
,~«:§%£### ,«§ underneath §«, ###£%§:«~,
,,,~:§§§£# #£§§§:~,,,
,~«:§%#@## §§%%§§%%§§%%§§%%§§%££%§§%%§§%%§§%%§§%%§§ ##@#%§:«~,
,~«:§%£#@# #@#£%§:«~,
,~«:§%£### side a is foresty, and side b might ###£%§:«~,
,,,,«««§£# be lizardy. but the last song is full #£§«««,,,,
,,,,~:§%££ of space. ££%§:~,,,,
,~«:§§%%££ ££%%§§:«~,
,,~«««§%%# #%%§«««~,,
,,,,~::§§£ £§§::~,,,,
,~«:§%£#@@ @@#£%§:«~,
,~«:§%£££@ @£££%§:«~,