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#§£¤.¨@@¤& ¤¤£¨¨,.#¨,
¨§#¨.¨,#£# kudzu #¤,.§¤¨,¨¨
,...#&..#@ @¨,¨,¨¨££¤
¨&£,..,¨,£ :/=:/ ;††/= †**:† ;/^†^ ;/:== ;:†=; †*;/ ..§#£#..#,
,.¨.§#¤§,¨ ^*\/ ^\^\ *\^* ^\;† ^;;= /^=^ //: £¨.§¤¨¨¨,.
@¤#,.§£.¨. \;/ *:: ^;^ ;\; /*: ::\ **/ .¨,.¨,£&§§
£@¨.,,¨.§¤ =; :† \† ;^ =^ /^ ;; .¤¤§§,¨&&¤
¤,¨§#&§.,¨ ^ /kudzu^ is / a =plant= = ,,@&,,.,¤£
¨¨¨.§£..£# ^ ; \ \ for \keeps; ; ,,¨,.¤&¨¨¤
.£¤..¨.,¨. = for :tying; and = † ^ ; @###.,.¨¨,
.¨..&§@#¤¤ \ \ : animal;holds= † ,¤£,¨&§#&@
.&¤,¨£§¤#. † ^ * \ \ / / ...,¨¨#@£.
.¨.¨.,&@,, \ \ : = † / / .§¤&&..@..
#@§£#..¨¨@ † / * * † = † ,,¤&¨,¨..@
#¤££,.@#., \ ^ ; = / ; = ..¨,,&@@.,
,&§,,.¨.,, = ; / ; / † / .¨#.,,
..¨,#¤@& this vine is †from ^lands† far =from .@£¨¨,.¨£§
.#&¨¨£&@¤§ kirugu,^ and ; was brought over/ for .¨.¨@¤@,..
,,,¨¨¨§£@. its uses † in ^ / binding &&£¨,¤¨,#¤
¨@&@¤,,#.¨ creatures,^ ^ or ; spells, §#¨,¨.¨.,.
.,&&.,,¨.¨ : † ; ,,.&§§&&&§
¨.,,,@&£¤@ † ^ \ £@.¨#§¤&§¨
#¤,,¤£&£ ensnaring those / who must be still ¨,¨¨¨¤§#..
.@@.,..@#@ : ¤#¤£¨.¤..¨
¨,,.£§¨,&. it's a fast growing: monstrosity which ¤&£¨,..¨#@
.@£.,¨..¨, will eat entire vill=ges as it crawls @@¨¨@£&,,¨
..¨¨¤@£#@¤ over them. but † it tastes sweet ¤¨¨.¨£¨,¤£
.&§.,£@@§§ and has a lowkey / hypnotic ,¨#§,,,¨¨.
..¨,..§¤@@ quality * ((nice)) £..,¨¤§#@¤
.#@£@.,£§£ (think sylveon = feelers) .,#@..@¤£¨
,.&£.¨.¨¤@ .. probably feeds this way.. #¨¨¨,¨,#¨¨
@.¨.¨&£,.@ ..¤¤@¤¨.¨#
..#¤,..¨., ¨¨,¤§,.¤¨¨
§..¨.@#@£@ §#,,,,¨¨.§
.,££,¨&§¤@ .¨¨##&¤#,¨
£,¨,,,.¤£. &¤¨¨££&.,#