¨¨¨£¨£££¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨££¨¨
¨¨¨£££¨¨£¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨£¨£¨
¨¨¨£¨¨£¨££ ¨¨¨¨¨¨££££
£¨¨££¨£££¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨£¨¨¨
££¨£¨££¨¨£ £¨¨¨¨¨££¨¨
£¨££££¨£¨£ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨£¨¨¨¨£¨£¨
£££¨¨¨££££ ¨ ££**££ ¨ ¨ ££**££ ¨ ¨££¨¨¨££££
¨¨¨£¨¨£¨¨¨ ¨ ££««££««££ ¨ The ¨ ££««££««££ ¨ ££¨£¨¨£¨¨¨
¨¨¨££¨££¨¨ *««££##££««* £ £ *««££##££««* ¨¨£££¨££¨¨
¨¨¨£¨££¨£¨ ¨ ££««££««££ ¨££ Shower ££¨ ££««££««££ ¨ £¨£¨¨££¨£¨
¨¨¨£££¨£££ £¨ ££**££ ¨££ ££¨ ££**££ ¨£ ££££¨£¨£££
£¨¨£¨¨££¨¨ # ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ # ¨¨¨¨££££¨¨
££¨££¨£¨£¨ £ Deep Below £ ¨¨¨¨£¨¨¨£¨
£¨££¨£££££ Ground Level, Several Elevators Down, ¨¨¨¨££¨¨££
¨££¨££¨¨¨¨ In The Dark Water Where The Surface £¨¨¨£¨£¨£¨
¨£¨££¨£¨¨¨ Light Doesn'T Reach, And Warmth Comes ¨£¨¨££££££
££££¨£££¨¨ Mostly From Below - Here Is The Shower. ¨££¨£¨¨¨¨¨
£¨¨¨££¨¨£¨ ¨£¨£££¨¨¨¨
££¨¨£¨£¨££ It Is Dark. You Strip, And It'S Cold. ££££¨¨£¨¨¨
£¨£¨£££££¨ Your Feet Feel The Cold Stone Floor, ¨¨¨¨£¨££¨¨
£££££¨¨¨¨£ Your Hands Find The Rubber Handles To ¨¨¨¨£££¨£¨
£¨¨¨¨£¨¨¨£ Guide You Into The Cabin. ¨¨¨¨£¨¨£££
¨£¨¨¨££¨¨£ ¨¨¨¨££¨£¨¨
¨££¨¨£¨£¨£ And Then, The Hot Water, The £¨¨¨£¨£££¨
¨£¨£¨£££££ Underground Rain. Drenching You, ¨£¨¨£££¨¨£
££££££¨¨¨¨ Lathering You. Infused With Oils And ¨££¨£¨¨£¨£
¨¨¨¨¨¨£¨¨¨ Scents. And Then, Also From Above, The ¨£¨£££¨£££
£¨¨¨¨¨££¨¨ Shower Creatures. First Their Black ¨£££¨¨££¨¨
££¨¨¨¨£¨£¨ Velvet Arms, Touching, And Then Entire ¨£¨¨£¨£¨£¨
£¨£¨¨¨££££ Bodies. Chests And Snouts. ¨££¨££££££
¨£££¨¨£¨¨¨ ££¨££¨¨¨¨¨
¨£¨¨£¨££¨¨ The Creatures Are Meant To Comfort You, £¨££¨£¨¨¨¨
¨££¨£££¨£¨ Keep You Entranced, And Keep You From ¨££¨£££¨¨¨
¨£¨££¨¨£££ Leaving The Cabin Prematurely. This ¨£¨££¨¨£¨¨
¨£££¨£¨£¨¨ Whole Ordeal Works Best If You Are Not ££££¨£¨££¨
¨£¨¨£££££¨ Transformed Too Early, And Are Instead £¨¨¨££££¨£
£££¨£¨¨¨¨£ Allowed To Enjoy The Shower For A While. ¨£¨¨£¨¨¨££
¨¨¨£££¨¨¨£ ¨££¨££¨¨£¨
¨¨¨£¨¨£¨¨£ You Are Steamed, Caressed, Cleaned, ££¨££¨£¨££
£¨¨££¨££¨£ Modified, Liquified; Dissolved And £¨££¨££££¨
££¨£¨££¨££ Drained... And Then Brought Back, £££¨££¨¨¨£
¨¨££££¨££¨ Slowly, Waking As The Water Dries Off ¨¨¨££¨£¨¨£
£¨£¨¨¨££¨£ Of You. Cabin Open To The Cold Air £¨¨£¨£££¨£
¨£££¨¨£¨££ Tickling Your Fresh-Born Mind. Creature ¨£¨£££¨¨££
££¨¨£¨£££¨ Hands Gone, You Step Out. ¨£££¨¨£¨£¨
£¨£¨£££¨¨£ ¨£¨¨£¨££££
¨££££¨¨£¨£ Later, Elevator Back Up. New Body. ¨££¨£££¨¨¨
¨£¨¨¨£¨£££ ¨£¨££¨¨£¨¨
¨££¨¨£££¨¨ ¨£££¨£¨££¨
¨£¨£¨£¨¨£¨ ££¨¨££££¨£
£££££££¨££ ¨¨£¨£¨¨¨££
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨££¨ ¨¨££££¨¨£¨