 short  plant that yearns  for my  liver. 
 a  promise  and  a  tease,  spread  well 
   throughout waking life, along ditches  
 and ethereal plains  (my  eyes  hit  the 
 treeline behind the house. whats  beyond 
      them? abandoned quarry, slowly      
 reclaimed. and  there  at the edge of my 
         daydream, grows mugwort).        
       gray-green suit with frills.       
 inverted tripod. gray coins in the wind. 
  there are whispers about... medicinal   
 qualities.   i   forget  now   if   it's 
 comparable to dreamroot or  to cannabis, 
 but    it's    one    of    the     two. 
 there's  a  deafening  slience  from the 
   scientific community on its toxicity   
      (no research, if you believe)