[five minutes after] second sunrise   
    it   is   the  sunrise  following   
  the first sunset  experienced during  
     a   single   waking    period.     
 you're one step inward, downward: light  
      falls from a strange direction,     
   illuminating the forest differently.   
   familiar places have other contours.   
   there's usually a prevailing rotten    
  smell, almost sweet. this would be the  
   over-ripe belly of the previous day.   
      some come to like it; i don't.      
   finally, there's a false strength, a   
 fools strength. given to you by the air  
   and the light. but it's treacherous.   
    its purpose is to lure you on dark    
   errands, but it doesn't care for you.  
    the "fairy's tailwind" will shift     
  without warning as soon as it finds a   
    more promising subject, leaving you   
 washed up in unknown places without the  
            means of a return.            
             detritus source