§¨§¨§¨¨§¨¨ ¨§§¨¨§¨§¨§
¨§§§§§¨§§¨ §§¨§¨§§§§§
§§¨¨¨¨§§¨§ §¨§§§§¨¨¨¨
§¨§¨¨¨§¨§§ §§§¨¨¨§¨¨¨
§§§§¨¨§§§¨ §¨¨§¨¨§§¨¨
§¨¨¨§¨§¨¨§ $$$$$$$$$$$$$//////////////$$$$$$$$$$ §§¨§§¨§¨§¨
§§¨¨§§§§¨§ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$//////////////$$$$$$$$$$$ ¨¨§§¨§§§§§
¨¨§¨§¨¨¨§§ $$$$$$$$$$$$$//////////////$$$$$$$$$$$ ¨¨§¨§§¨¨¨¨
¨¨§§§§¨¨§¨ the striped worm, with dripping $$$$$ ¨¨§§§¨§¨¨¨
¨¨§¨¨¨§¨§§ segments in yellow, in hot pink, in$$$$$ ¨¨§¨¨§§§¨¨
¨¨§§¨¨§§§¨ purple, in other such colors. ===== ¨¨§§¨§¨¨§¨
¨¨§¨§¨§¨¨§ silently: "it's not real." (repeat ===== ¨¨§¨§§§¨§§
§¨§§§§§§¨§ to yourself) "its not real." you ===== ¨¨§§§¨¨§§¨
§§§¨¨¨¨¨§§ stumble in the cave and drop the ===== §¨§¨¨§¨§¨§
¨¨¨§¨¨¨¨§¨ phone, alerting the worm. ===== §§§§¨§§§§§
§¨¨§§¨¨¨§§ ///////$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$//////////====== ¨¨¨¨§§¨¨¨¨
§§¨§¨§¨¨§¨ ////////$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$//////////====== ¨¨¨¨§¨§¨¨¨
§¨§§§§§¨§§ ////////$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$//////////===== ¨¨¨¨§§§§¨¨
§§§¨¨¨¨§§¨ ///// (in a situation like this you're ¨¨¨¨§¨¨¨§¨
§¨¨§¨¨¨§¨§ ///// meant to call for worm crew, but §¨¨¨§§¨¨§§
¨§¨§§¨¨§§§ ///// instead here you are crawling §§¨¨§¨§¨§¨
¨§§§¨§¨§¨¨ /////backward on all fours) the worm has ¨¨§¨§§§§§§
§§¨¨§§§§§¨ $$$$$ started to pulsate, so you must ¨¨§§§¨¨¨¨¨
§¨§¨§¨¨¨¨§ $$$$$ avoid it's gaze, which is hard §¨§¨¨§¨¨¨¨
§§§§§§¨¨¨§ $$$$$since it covers your entire vision. §§§§¨§§¨¨¨
§¨¨¨¨¨§¨¨§ $$$$$$$$$$==============///////////$$$$ §¨¨¨§§¨§¨¨
§§¨¨¨¨§§¨§ $$$$$$$$$$==============///////////$$$$$ §§¨¨§¨§§§¨
§¨§¨¨¨§¨§§ $$$$$$$$$==============///////////$$$$$ §¨§¨§§§¨¨§
¨§§§¨¨§§§¨ it's smiling, you can hear it's $$$$$ §§§§§¨¨§¨§
§§¨¨§¨§¨¨§ skin shift to reveal its teeth. and$$$$$ §¨¨¨¨§¨§§§
¨¨§¨§§§§¨§ then the wet sound of the maw $$$$$ §§¨¨¨§§§¨¨
¨¨§§§¨¨¨§§ opening, a terrible opening that's $$$$$ §¨§¨¨§¨¨§¨
¨¨§¨¨§¨¨§¨ growing and still growing. $$$$$ §§§§¨§§¨§§
§¨§§¨§§¨§§ ============$$$$$$$$$$$$$///////////// §¨¨¨§§¨§§¨
§§§¨§§¨§§¨ ==============$$$$$$$$$$$$$///////////// §§¨¨§¨§§¨§
¨¨¨§§¨§§¨§ ============$$$$$$$$$$$$$//////////// §¨§¨§§§¨§§
§¨¨§¨§§¨§§ ¨§§§§¨¨§§¨
§§¨§§§¨§§¨ §§¨¨¨§¨§¨§
¨¨§§¨¨§§¨§ ¨¨§¨¨§§§§§
§¨§¨§¨§¨§§ §¨§§¨§¨¨¨¨
§§§§§§§§§¨ §§§¨§§§¨¨¨