¨¨,..¤¨¨,¨ §&,,.,..¨¨
££@#,,¨#£& ..,¤@@¤§&¤
@§#.,#..## §§¨.£@#£
¤#.¨,¨,,,£ ¨...¨£&&£§
¤.¨&§@@¤¨, @£§§¨.§§¤@
,.¨@£,,¨,, #=»~ ~»~ --« =»- -== ~~~ ~-- »-~ ~=»# ,..¨#¤£¨#¤
#¨.§£§¨¨.¨ * page on snake handling. † #.,¨@¨@¨¤§
¤@¨@.§@¨.¨ #-»« === ~«- ~~~ =«« -=~ -=» =«- »~=# @&¨¨.¨.¨¤¨
¤@.,,§¤&,¨ ,§§..¨,¨,.
§£&,,£,&¤, the goal is anyway to become lucid ¨@§§¨.,,,¨
£.#¤.,.#&§ inside the dream (if the dream is a ¨£.@#.¨¨¨.
..#¤§¨¨§,@ container) or while the dream takes ..,££§.¨¨¨
¨,@¨§#,.,& place (if it is an event). this is .¨,@¨£§¨.,
¨,¨.@§@¨,§ somehow to do with serpents. @.,..£§@,,
¨.¨¨£¨££,¨ .¤...¤,§#¨
.¨...,@#@. #~-~ »-~ =~» »~= ~-= »=« ~»- ~-~ ~~«# ,,¤..¨.§@&
§.,.¨.#¨§£ = i knew there would be snakes, they * &.¨£.¨,@.¤
&¤¨¨...¨&¤ ; have this particular shape to them, * ¨¨¤,¨,.£
,§@,,,¨,&¨ ; makes them fit into cracks, = @&§,,@¨..@
¨&@¤,,¨,., = into seams. / #.§@¨.#,,¨
,&,£¤¨.¨,, ^ ¨.,=«#~~,,, \ ,.¤§£,¨£¨¨
,..¤¤#,¨.. \ (since realm-travelness is inversely = ¨¨@¨¤¤,.§¨
,,,@¨¤§¨¨. : proportional to size; larger animals / .,..¤¤@¨,&
§¨¨¨,£¤#¨, ^ have to stay put. \ ¨,,.£¨¤@,,
¨#¨.,@.&¤. = snakes can cheat this by being : &¨¨.¨,#£¤¨
¨¨£¨¨¨,&&& / almost one-dimensional.) ; ##¨.,¨¤¨##
§,,@..,@¨@ #=~- -=« -«~ »»~ -=» =»« =-« -»= »-»# @@@,,,¨,@¤
@&,¨£¨,¨,£ @.§#..¨¨#¨
&@#¨.@,¨¨§ eitherway. i did not fully understand ¨,£@@.,,¨.
£.@#¨¨@,¨, which role they would play, or exactly ¨.#¨@&,.,.
.¨¤#&,.£.. ~which~ snakes they would be - the ,¨¨¨£&@.¨,
¨¨£,£#¨,@, nagas! the snake people. ¤¨,.¤¨¤#¨,
,,¨,@@&..# &£,¨¨.¤§§,
,...#,£#,, you will want them to guide you if you §#&,,.@,¤¤
£¨¨,¨¨&&¤¨ can. they are excellent nidra guides, £,@&.¨..&@
¤¤¨,..@.#§ and many will take you on pro bono .¨#¤¤¨,,§,
@£&,...,£¤ (i suspect they find amusement in our ¨,£,&¤,,¨,
£,§¤¨,,.@¨ attempts to travel where we are not ,¨¨.§&¤¨¨.
¨¨&§£,,..¨ easy to be.) the problem is finding one. ..¨.§,§@¨,
¨,@,£&.,,. ...¨,.#§#.
,¨.¨£,¨¨ #»»= «~~ =»~ -~= »~- «»- ««» »«~ ««=# ,¨¨,¨.@,
#¨,.#.£@.. † don't fret if your meeting does not : ¤¨¨,.,¨¨#¤
&&,¨,,§£¤, \ go well - talking to a snake is ; .@¨.,.¨,¤.
@£§.,.&.£§ ; often a recursive matter. you will = ,¨@,,.¨,.¨
#,££¨,,¨@& \ meet many times as you fall deeper, \ ¨.¨#¨¨¨,¨¨
.,¤¤§¨¨,#. † once per stage, the snake taking : ¨..,&.,.,,
..@¨&£,.¨¨ : various forms in succession (stream, : ¤¨.¨.#.¨.¨
¨.,,&£#.¨, / snake, half-snake, queen, stream, \ ##..¨¨#,¨¨
¨,..@.#§.. = thunder). you must repeat all \ @§§.¨..&,,
.¨.,.¨¤#¤¨ * pleasantries each time as if you've † @¨@#,.¨¨#,
..¨.¨¨£,§§ = never before met (although the snake ; ¨.¤&§,¨..¤
&,..¨...#§ † may choose to address you as an old * ..&.&@¨¨¨.
¨§¨,.¨,¨@, ^ friend, follow their lead if so). \ ¨,¨¨#§@¨.,
.¨§¨,.,¨., #«-= ==~ =«- --~ ~~» =~~ =~» ~»- «~~# £,¨¨£,¤@¨.
,,,@,¨,¨¨, ##,,¨,¤¤§,
.¨.,#¨.¨,¨ they have something to do with water, ,#£,,,&.&£
§¨.¨.§¨..¨ some close relation to it. i've yet to ¨£££,...@#
#¤,¨,,@.¨, uncover what this is. but you might ¨@.¤#,..§¨
§@¤.¨.¨§,, have a higher chance of finding one .,¨@@#¨,¨¨
¤¨#§.,,¨#, close to a river or lake...? ¤,¨@¨£§,.,
,.¤¤¤,,,,# §@,.,£§¤¨,
¨¨§,&¤,,,. i've also heard them mentioned together §§£¨.£.@&.
¨.,,£§¤.,¨ with caves or "the world beneath the §¨&£¨¨,#@£
§¨,.@¨##¨¨ world". coincidence? you find regular ..@#§..@¨¤
£§.¨,.§¤£. snakes in regular caves. or - could .,§,£§.,.@
,£¤,¨,&.#@ this be a reference to the dark lake? ¨¨¨¨£§#,¨#
¨@#@.,,¨£@ the holy water in the center of your ¨..,#,&¤,¨
.¤.§£,,,@. chest. guardians? ,,¨.¨.£@&.
,.,§§¤..¨¨ #.....£¨@#
£,¨£.&§¨.. .¨,,¨¨&@
¤¤.¨.¤@§.¨ ¨#@,.¨,¨£¨
££#¨¨§¨¤@. ¨£,¨,,¨,
#.@@,¨¨§@§ .#.#&¨¨..,