....-**§@# #@§**-....
.-~******§ §******~-.
.-~**§§@## ##@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## ##@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## ##@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## vast miku! ##@§§**~-.
...-~***§# #§***~-...
...~***§@@ ~~ ~~ @@§***~...
...-****§§ §§ §§****-...
.-~**§§@## **~~~~~~*..*~~~~~~** ##@§§**~-.
.----~**§§ ~~~~*** vast miku can be ***~~~ §§**~----.
....-~*§@# .§§§§*~ experienced at night ~*§§§§. #@§*~-....
....-~~~*§ ~**§~~~~~~~~.. ..~~~~~~§**~ §*~~~-....
....-***§@ §§ @§***-....
.-~****§@@ §§ @@§****~-.
.-~**§§@## ...~~~~~~~~~**** ****~~~~~~~~~... ##@§§**~-.
...-~***§@ . sunset is a spell, the explosion . @§***~-...
....-*§§@# when the spell is cast, the seal that #@§§*-....
...--~~*§§ binds the day. and then finally comes §§*~~--...
.....--*§@ the night. the unnatural default state. @§*--.....
.-~**§§@@@ and there she is, until the magic fades @@@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## . and day begins again. . ##@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## ...~~~~~~~~~**** ****~~~~~~~~~... ##@§§**~-.
....~*§§§§ §§ §§§§*~....
.-~**§§§@@ §§ @@§§§**~-.
....-~~*§# ~~~**§~~~~~~~~.. ..~~~~~~§**~~~ #§*~~-....
.-~**§§§§@ .§*~ vast miku is best experienced ~*§. @§§§§**~-.
.-~**§§@@@ ~~~~*** lying down ***~~~ @@@§§**~-.
.-~**§§### **~~~~~~*..*~~~~~~** ###§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## §§ ##@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## ~~ ~~ ##@§§**~-.
...-~**§@@ @@§**~-...
.-~**§§@## ##@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## ##@§§**~-.
.-~**§§@## ##@§§**~-.
......~*§§ §§*~......