@,@,,@@@@, ,,@@@,,@@@
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,,@@@,,@@, @@,@@@@,,@
,@,,@,@,@@ ,@@,,,@,@@
@@,@@@@@,@ @,@,,@@@,@
,@@,,,,@@, Vast miku! @@@,@,,@@,
@,@,,,@,@, ,,@@@,@,@,
@@@,,@@@@, -- -- ,@,,@@@@@@
,,@,@,,,@, *@ @@,@,,,,,,
,@@@@,,@@@ ††------†,,†------†† ,@@@,,,,,,
@,,,@,@,,, ----††† Vast Miku Can Be †††--- @,,@,,,,,,
@,,@@@@,,, ,****†- Experienced At Night -†****, @,@@,,,,,@
@,@,,,@,,, -††*--------,, ,,------*††- @@,@,,,,@,
@@@,,@@,,@ @* ,@@@,,,@@@
,,@,@,@,@, *@ @,,@,,@,,,
,@@@@@@@@, ,,,---------†††† ††††---------,,, @,@@,@@,,,
@,,,,,,,@, , Sunset Is A Spell, The Explosion , @@,@@,@,,,
@,,,,,,@@@ When The Spell Is Cast, The Seal That ,@@,@@@,,@
@,,,,,@,,@ Binds The Day. And Then Finally Comes @,@@,,@,@,
@,,,,@@,@@ The Night. The Unnatural Default State. @@,@,@@@@@
@,,,@,@@,, And There She Is, Until The Magic Fades ,@@@@,,,,,
@,,@@@,@,@ , And Day Begins Again. , @,,,@,,,,@
@,@,,@@@@, ,,,---------†††† ††††---------,,, @,,@@,,,@,
@@@,@,,,@@ @* @,@,@,,@@@
,,@@@,,@,, *@ @@@@@,@,,,
,@,,@,@@,@ ---††*--------,, ,,------*††--- ,,,,@@@,,,
@@,@@@,@@, ,*†- Vast miku Is Best Experienced -†*, ,,,@,,@,,,
,@@,,@@,@@ ----††† Lying Down †††--- ,,@@,@@,,@
@,@,@,@@,@ ††------†,,†------†† ,@,@@,@,@@
@@@@@@,@@, @* @@@,@@@@,,
,,,,,@@,@@ -- -- ,,@@,,,@,@
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,,,@@@,@@@ @@@@,@,,,@
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,@@,@,@,,, ,,@,,@,@,@
@,@@@@@,,@ ,@@,@@@@@@