££,£,£££,, ,£,,££££,,
,££££,,£,, ££,£,,,£,£
£,,,£,££,, ,£££,,££££
£,,£££,£,£ £,,£,£,,,,
£,£,,£££££ £,££££,,,£
£££,£,,,,£ this is «not« a resurrection. the ££,,,£,,£,
,,£££,,,£, subject will be devoured in full. ,£,,££,£££
,£,,£,,£££ ££,£,££,,£
££,££,£,,£ *£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£ ,££££,£,££
,££,£££,£, £* hole, burrow, tunnel, hall. rough £* £,,,££££,,
£,££,,££££ *£ wet stone. a carved knot, a carved *£ £,,£,,,£,,
££,£,£,,,£ £* portal, a sign system. an £* £,££,,££,£
,£££££,,££ *£ obscuring darkness. *£ ££,£,£,££,
£,,,,£,£,, £*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£* ,££££££,£,
£,,,££££,£ £,,,,,££££
£,,£,,,££, creating this kind of eternal presence £,,,,£,,,,
£,££,,£,£, is all down to the funeral rites. yes, £,,,££,,,£
££,£,£££££ the subject must die as a first step, £,,£,£,,£,
,££££,,,,£ and the rest must follow quickly after £,££££,£££
£,,,£,,,££ that. you could burn the bodily remains ££,,,££,,£
£,,££,,£,, or feed it to a marsh, it's the spirit ,£,,£,£,£,
£,£,£,££,, we wish to ensnare. ££,£££££££
££££££,£,£ ,££,,,,,,,
,,,,,£££££ to lure the spirit, use objects, £,£,,,,,,£
,,,,£,,,,£ persons, or pets that were important to £££,,,,,££
,,,££,,,£, them. submerge the objects in honey ,,£,,,,£,£
,,£,£,,££, from bees fed with mugwort, and treat ,££,,,££££
,££££,£,££ the lure as being the offering for the £,£,,£,,,£
£,,,££££,, first ritual. £££,££,,££
£,,£,,,£,, ,,££,£,£,,
£,££,,££,, binding is easy, use whichever sigil ,£,£££££,£
££,£,£,£,, you like, although it helps in later £££,,,,££,
,£££££££,£ worshipping to have ascribed it some ,,£,,,£,££
£,,,,,,£££ abstract meaning or virtue beforehand. ,££,,£££,£
£,,,,,£,,£ remember that it's not the subject's £,£,£,,££,
£,,,,££,££ spirit that is to be the target! when £££££,£,££
£,,,£,££,, the spirit is caught in the honey, they ,,,,££££,,
£,,£££,£,, in turn become the offering for the ,,,£,,,£,£
£,£,,£££,, second-order spell. it's whatever that ,,££,,£££,
£££,£,,£,, then tries to consume them that you ,£,£,£,,££
,,£££,££,, must bind. ££££££,£,,
,£,,££,£,£ ,,,,,£££,,
££,£,££££, the next few steps i can't predict, as ,,,,£,,£,,
,££££,,,££ that would only serve to mislead you. ,,,££,££,£
£,,,£,,£,£ the important part is the trap outlined ,,£,££,£££
£,,££,£££, above. to then successfully tame the ,£££,££,,,
£,£,££,,£, demon you must be aware of regional £,,££,£,,£
££££,£,£££ varieties, what kind of circle you've £,£,£££,£,
,,,££££,,, constructed, and so on. in the end it ££££,,££££
,,£,,,£,,, comes down to what you're comfortable ,,,£,£,,,£
,££,,££,,, with. the key point however, is to give ,,££££,,££
£,£,£,£,,, it no other fuel than the honeyed ,£,,,£,£,£
£££££££,,, spirit, forcing the demon to ££,,£££££,
,,,,,,£,,, internalize it and become saturated ,£,£,,,,££
,,,,,££,,, with it (like dripping ink in water, ££££,,,£,£
,,,,£,£,,£ but the other way around). ,,,£,,££££
,,,££££,£, ,,££,£,,,£
,,£,,,£££, in the end you should have an entity, ,£,£££,,££
,££,,£,,££ branded with the personality and vices £££,,£,£,£
£,£,££,£,£ of the subject, if not the morals. good ,,£,££££££
££££,£££££ luck! ,£££,,,,,,
,,,££,,,,£ £,,£,,,,,£
,,£,£,,,££ £,££,,,,££
,££££,,£,, ££,£,,,£,£
£,,,£,££,, ,£££,,££££
£,,£££,£,£ £,,£,£,,,,