,,,,,££,,, ,££,,££££,
££££,,,,££ ,,,,,,££,,
,££,,££,,£ ,££££,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,££,,££££
,£££££££££ ,,,,,,,££,
,,££££££££ i love manhandling the industrial size ££££££,,,,
£,,£££££££ coffee pots. i know the grip. my hands £££££,,£££
,,,,££££££ are placed where they should. ,£££,,,,££
,££,,£££££ ,,£,,££,,,
,,,,,,£££, when i remove the filter, i ever so ,,,,,,,,££
,££££,,£,, gently stroke the side of the machine. £££££££,,,
,,££,,,,,, before they are pressed, i lightly ,£££££,,££
,,,,,£££££ circle the buttons with my finger. ,,£££,,,,,
££££,,££££ ,,,£,,££££
£££,,,,£££ and i guard it closely so that i can ££,,,,,£££
££,,££,,£, steal those first few drops for myself! £,,£££,,££
£,,,,,,,,, ,,,,£,,,,£
,,£££££££, ,££,,,££,,
£,,£££££,, ,,,,£,,,,£
,,,,£££,,£ ,££,,,££,,
£££,,£,,,, ,,,,£,,,,£