this  is   not   a  resurrection.  the 
 subject   will  be  devoured   in  full. 
  hole, burrow,  tunnel, hall. rough  
  wet stone. a carved knot, a carved  
   portal,  a   sign  system.   an    
       obscuring      darkness.       
 creating this kind of  eternal  presence 
 is all down to the  funeral rites.  yes, 
 the subject must  die  as a  first step, 
 and  the rest must  follow quickly after 
 that. you could burn the bodily  remains 
 or  feed it to a marsh, it's the  spirit 
 we wish to ensnare.                      
 to  lure   the  spirit,   use   objects, 
 persons, or pets that were  important to 
 them.  submerge  the  objects  in  honey 
 from  bees  fed  with mugwort, and treat 
 the lure as being  the offering for  the 
 first ritual.                            
 binding  is  easy, use  whichever  sigil 
 you  like, although  it  helps  in later 
 worshipping to  have  ascribed  it  some 
 abstract meaning or  virtue  beforehand. 
 remember  that it's  not  the  subject's 
 spirit that is  to  be the  target! when 
 the spirit is caught in the honey,  they 
 in  turn  become  the  offering for  the 
 second-order spell. it's  whatever  that 
 then  tries  to  consume  them that  you 
 must bind.                               
 the next few  steps  i can't predict, as 
 that would  only  serve  to mislead you. 
 the important  part is the trap outlined 
 above.  to then  successfully  tame  the 
 demon  you  must be  aware  of  regional 
 varieties,  what  kind  of circle you've 
 constructed,  and  so  on. in the end it 
 comes  down  to  what you're comfortable 
 with. the key point however,  is to give 
 it  no  other  fuel  than  the   honeyed 
 spirit,    forcing    the    demon    to 
 internalize  it  and   become  saturated 
 with it  (like  dripping  ink  in water, 
 but    the     other     way    around). 
 in  the  end you  should have an entity, 
 branded with  the personality and  vices 
 of the  subject, if not the morals. good 