,,£,££££,, ££,£££,£,£
£,£££,,,£, ,,££,,££££
,££,,£,,££ ,,£,£,£,,,
,£,£,££,£, ,,££££££,,
,£££££,£££ £,£,,,,,£,
,£,,,,££,, music, as we know it, is a sound. or ,£££,,,,££
£££,,,£,£, actually, since this is a stereo ,£,,£,,,£,
£,,£,,££££ broadcast, it's two sounds. ,££,££,,££
,£,££,£,,, ,£,££,£,£,
,£££,£££,, there is a sound, for each ear, two ££££,£££££
££,,££,,£, sounds combined into one. one for each ,,,,££,,,,
£,£,£,£,££ ear, your brain, will take care of that. £,,,£,£,,,
£££££££££, ,£,,££££,,
£,,,,,,,,£ if you listen through speakers, the ,££,£,,,£,
££,,,,,,,£ sounds will intermingle in the air, ,£,£££,,££
,,£,,,,,,£ they will cross-pollinate around you, ££££,,£,£,
,,££,,,,,£ become something else. we can't be held ,,,,£,££££
£,£,£,,,,£ responsible for that :) £,,,£££,,,
££££££,,,£ ££,,£,,£,,
£,,,,,£,,£ but in the beginning, on our end, there £,£,££,££,
££,,,,££,£ are two signals, a left soundwave and a ,££££,££,£
,,£,,,£,££ right soundwave. ,£,,,££,££
£,££,,£££, £££,,£,££,
£££,£,£,,£ £,,£,£££,£
,,,£££££,£ and when we slow it down... you can ,£,£££,,££
£,,£,,,,££ hear the creatures beneath, inbetween ££££,,£,£,
££,££,,,£, the waves. ,,,,£,££££
,,££,£,,££ ,,,,£££,,,
,,£,£££,£, ,,,,£,,£,,
,,£££,,£££ £,,,££,££,
,,£,,£,£,, its like with the ocean... there are ££,,£,££,£
£,££,££££, waves, on top. but underneath, there ,,£,£££,££
,££,££,,,£ are kilometers of water, deep water, £,£££,,££,
,£,££,£,,£ dark water. ,££,,£,£,£
££££,£££,£ ,£,£,£££££
,,,,££,,££ and in these slow and heavy waters, ,£££££,,,,
,,,,£,£,£, there are other things, other living ,£,,,,£,,,
,,,,££££££ things. they say they are slower than ,££,,,££,,
,,,,£,,,,, the stars, ,£,£,,£,£,
,,,,££,,,, ,££££,££££
£,,,£,£,,, that the pressure is so great, they ££,,,££,,,
££,,££££,, might even be older.... they are, in ,,£,,£,£,,
£,£,£,,,£, any case, audible.... £,££,££££,
££££££,,££ ,££,££,,,£
,,,,,,£,£, ,£,££,£,,£
£,,,,,££££ ,£££,£££,£
,£,,,,£,,, well, whatever, thanks for tuning in! ,£,,££,,££
£££,,,££,, £££,£,£,£,
£,,£,,£,£, radio free gigahertz is free as in £,,£££££££
,£,££,££££ speech, not as in beer. it's nice that ,£,£,,,,,,
,£££,££,,, you've been able to find us, since we £££££,,,,,
,£,,££,£,, by design £,,,,£,,,,
,££,£,£££, ,£,,,££,,,
,£,££££,,£ keep no permanent medium or location. ,££,,£,£,,
,£££,,,£,£ they dont really like us, they'll find ££,£,££££,
,£,,£,,£££ us too easily if we stand still. £,££££,,,£
£££,££,£,, ,££,,,£,,£
,,,££,£££, we've taken our time, tried to find our ,£,£,,££,£
£,,£,££,,£ shape, there has been a lot of trial ,££££,£,££
,£,£££,£,£ and error, ,£,,,££££,
,£££,,££££ £££,,£,,,£
££,,£,£,,, and also a physical venturing into the £,,£,££,,£
,,£,££££,, dark, to find the gigahertz, and to ££,£££,£,£
£,£££,,,£, free them. ,,££,,££££
,££,,£,,££ ,,£,£,£,,,
,£,£,££,£, at the end of the day, we are thankful ,,££££££,,
,£££££,£££ that you are able to join us tonight. £,£,,,,,£,
,£,,,,££,, you are welcome to try again another ,£££,,,,££
£££,,,£,£, night, but know that ,£,,£,,,£,
£,,£,,££££ ,££,££,,££
,£,££,£,,, we cannot keep a channel open for too ,£,££,£,£,
,£££,£££,, long. we will be out there though, and ££££,£££££
££,,££,,£, we pray that you'll find us again. if ,,,,££,,,,
£,£,£,£,££ we both £,,,£,£,,,
£££££££££, ,£,,££££,,
£,,,,,,,,£ reach out, it might happen. im ,££,£,,,£,
££,,,,,,,£ adressing all of you personally right ,£,£££,,££
,,£,,,,,,£ now. ££££,,£,£,
,,££,,,,,£ ,,,,£,££££
£,£,£,,,,£ anyway, i personally believe there £,,,£££,,,
££££££,,,£ might be something, some underlying ££,,£,,£,,
£,,,,,£,,£ force connecting us... and it might £,£,££,££,
££,,,,££,£ very well ,££££,££,£
,,£,,,£,££ ,£,,,££,££
£,££,,£££, choose to do so, again, in the future. £££,,£,££,
£££,£,£,,£ £,,£,£££,£
,,,£££££,£ until then -- keep on diggin. keep ,£,£££,,££
£,,£,,,,££ on doing what you do. ££££,,£,£,
££,££,,,£, ,,,,£,££££
,,££,£,,££ ,,,,£££,,,
,,£,£££,£, ,,,,£,,£,,
,,£££,,£££ £,,,££,££,
,,£,,£,£,, ££,,£,££,£
£,££,££££, ,,£,£££,££