£%^=~,,,,, ,,,,,~=^%£
@@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@@
@£%^=~~~~, ,~~~~=^%£@
###£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£###
###£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£###
£%^=~,,,,, music, as we know it, is a sound. or ,,,,,~=^%£
££%%%^=~~, actually, since this is a stereo ,~~=^%%%££
##%%%^=~~, broadcast, it's two sounds. ,~~=^%%%##
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
££^~,,,,,, there is a sound, for each ear, two ,,,,,,~^££
###£%^=~~, sounds combined into one. one for each ,~~=^%£###
££££%^=~~, ear, your brain, will take care of that. ,~~=^%££££
#%^=~~,,,, ,,,,~~=^%#
###£%^=~~, if you listen through speakers, the ,~~=^%£###
##£^~~,,,, sounds will intermingle in the air, ,,,,~~^£##
#@#£%^=~~, they will cross-pollinate around you, ,~~=^%£#@#
@@#£%^=~~, become something else. we can't be held ,~~=^%£#@@
@#£^~,,,,, responsible for that :) ,,,,,~^£#@
@##£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£##@
£^=~,,,,,, but in the beginning, on our end, there ,,,,,,~=^£
#%^^^=~~~, are two signals, a left soundwave and a ,~~~=^^^%#
£^~~~~,,,, right soundwave. ,,,,~~~~^£
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
£%%=~,,,,, ,,,,,~=%%£
@££^^~,,,, and when we slow it down... you can ,,,,~^^££@
##%%^^=~~, hear the creatures beneath, inbetween ,~~=^^%%##
#@#£%^=~~, the waves. ,~~=^%£#@#
##@£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£@##
#%===~,,,, ,,,,~===%#
###£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£###
#@#£%^=~~, its like with the ocean... there are ,~~=^%£#@#
@##£%^=~~, waves, on top. but underneath, there ,~~=^%£##@
££^=~~,,,, are kilometers of water, deep water, ,,,,~~=^££
#@#£%^=~~, dark water. ,~~=^%£#@#
###£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£###
#@#£%^=~~, and in these slow and heavy waters, ,~~=^%£#@#
££^==~,,,, there are other things, other living ,,,,~==^££
@£%=~~~~~, things. they say they are slower than ,~~~~~=%£@
###£%^=~~, the stars, ,~~=^%£###
#%^==~~,,, ,,,~~==^%#
###£%^=~~, that the pressure is so great, they ,~~=^%£###
#@#£%^=~~, might even be older.... they are, in ,~~=^%£#@#
£^^^=~,,,, any case, audible.... ,,,,~=^^^£
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
##@£%^=~~, well, whatever, thanks for tuning in! ,~~=^%£@##
£%%=~~~,,, ,,,~~~=%%£
£%%=~,,,,, radio free gigahertz is free as in ,,,,,~=%%£
#%%%%^=~~, speech, not as in beer. it's nice that ,~~=^%%%%#
#%^~~,,,,, you've been able to find us, since we ,,,,,~~^%#
#%%%%^=~~, by design ,~~=^%%%%#
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
#@#£%^=~~, keep no permanent medium or location. ,~~=^%£#@#
@@#£%^=~~, they dont really like us, they'll find ,~~=^%£#@@
£%^~~,,,,, us too easily if we stand still. ,,,,,~~^%£
#%^==~,,,, ,,,,~==^%#
££%=~,,,,, we've taken our time, tried to find our ,,,,,~=%££
###£%^=~~, shape, there has been a lot of trial ,~~=^%£###
##@£%^=~~, and error, ,~~=^%£@##
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
#@#£%^=~~, and also a physical venturing into the ,~~=^%£#@#
#£^~~,,,,, dark, to find the gigahertz, and to ,,,,,~~^£#
#@#£%^=~~, free them. ,~~=^%£#@#
££^~~,,,,, ,,,,,~~^££
£%=~~~~~,, at the end of the day, we are thankful ,,~~~~~=%£
@£^^^^=~~, that you are able to join us tonight. ,~~=^^^^£@
##@#£%^=~, you are welcome to try again another ,~=^%£#@##
@£^^===~~, night, but know that ,~~===^^£@
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
#%%==~,,,, we cannot keep a channel open for too ,,,,~==%%#
##£%=~~,,, long. we will be out there though, and ,,,~~=%£##
#@#£%^=~~, we pray that you'll find us again. if ,~~=^%£#@#
#@#£%^=~~, we both ,~~=^%£#@#
##@#%^=~~, ,~~=^%#@##
##@#£^=~~, reach out, it might happen. im ,~~=^£#@##
#@#£%^=~~, adressing all of you personally right ,~~=^%£#@#
#@#£%^=~~, now. ,~~=^%£#@#
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
#£^~~,,,,, anyway, i personally believe there ,,,,,~~^£#
#@#£%^=~~, might be something, some underlying ,~~=^%£#@#
@#%%^~~~,, force connecting us... and it might ,,~~~^%%#@
###£%^=~~, very well ,~~=^%£###
##@#%^=~~, ,~~=^%#@##
££%%=~~~~, choose to do so, again, in the future. ,~~~~=%%££
#@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@#
#%^=~,,,,, until then -- keep on diggin. keep ,,,,,~=^%#
£%%%^==~~, on doing what you do. ,~~==^%%%£
##%%=~~~~, ,~~~~=%%##
£^=~,,,,,, ,,,,,,~=^£
@£%%%^=~~, ,~~=^%%%£@
@@#£%^=~~, ,~~=^%£#@@
££%=~,,,,, ,,,,,~=%££
#%^~~~~,,, ,,,~~~~^%#