,.¨,,&.§&. £,.§.¤&,.,
.¨¨,,,¨#@& ,£¨..@@#,,
,¨¨¨.,¨@,§ ..¤..¤¨&§¨
¨¨,,.....§ ¨,,#..¨&§@
@,¨,¨¨¨,.£ ¨¨.¨@.¨£,@
¨¨,¤##.,,¨ #»~» --» ~~- ~=- ~=~ «»« ~~= «-« =~»# ,¨#&..¤,¨@
¤¨¨&.£§.,, = page on snake handling. / &.&&§..#..
,&...@¤£.¨ #=-= «~~ --~ »=~ «~- ==~ ~~= =«- ~~-# #.£,&§..@,
,.@.¨@.&&. &,,.&@&¨,@
&.,#.¨¨§&¨ the goal is anyway to become lucid £&.,£,§§,,
,§¨¨§.,§§£ inside the dream (if the dream is a ¨#&,,.£#§,
.,#,,&¨&,# container) or while the dream takes .&&¤¨¨£¨&§
@¨,@,¨,..# place (if it is an event). this is ,&,#£,¨¨£@
@&¨¨§¨.¨,§ somehow to do with serpents. .,¨@#&.,&.
&¤&.¨¤.,¨¨ #¨.£.@§¨,,
#,§§,.@,,, #~«- =-~ ~-~ ~=» »»» ~»~ «~« --~ ~«-# @@,.¨¤§§..
¨,§£#,,@,, = i knew there would be snakes, they ; ,#§¨.#,¤&,
,¨§.§@¨.¤. \ have this particular shape to them, † ,##&.¨,§¤¤
@...§¤§,.# / makes them fit into cracks, : ,¤.#£,¨#¨§
&&¨¨§¨#@¨. ; into seams. † ¨¨¨¤&¤.,¨&
.,,.£#§¨ : .,.=«¤«=.,¨ ; &.,@.£&¨.#
,§&&..#.&¤ = (since realm-travelness is inversely ^ ¨@¨¨,#¤#¨,
.§.&§,.¨&§ ^ proportional to size; larger animals : ,,@¨¨#¨¤¤¨
¨,,#@@¨,@¨ * have to stay put. \ ¨..#¨..¤&§
§¨,&,##... ; snakes can cheat this by being † ,¨¨,@.,£.#
¤@,.¨&@&.. ^ almost one-dimensional.) = §.,,.&,¨,£
¨&@,¨&.§§¨ #=== ~~= »«= «== »«~ -~~ ~-« -=» ~-=# ,¤¨,.¨@..£
.§¤#,,¨¤£¤ ,,£¨,¨,§,,
.§¨#&..£,@ eitherway. i did not fully understand @.¨&¨.,¨&,
¨¨¨&¤¤¨,¨@ which role they would play, or exactly ¨£..£....@
£¨¨@,¤#¨.£ ~which» snakes they would be - the .¨¤,,#,.,¨
,@¨¨,¤£§., nagas! the snake people. #,.#,¨£.¨¨
..£¨,§,§¤, £¤¨¨&,¨@.¨
¨,.#,.¨##& you will want them to guide you if you &@&,.@.,£¨
,.,¨#.¨§,@ can. they are excellent nidra guides, &¨¤§,.&..£
#,...¤¨¨,& and many will take you on pro bono ¨.¤#¤,.§.,
.#¨...¤.¨# (i suspect they find amusement in our ..#.¤§,¨&,
¨.£..,¨£¨. attempts to travel where we are not #¨.¨&&&.¨@
£¨,¤,¨,.#. easy to be.) the problem is finding one. ¤#.,&.§&,¨
,¤,¨¤,,.,& ¨£#,¨,£¤&¨
,.#¨.&,,,. #~~- «~= =»~ ==» -«~ »=~ =»= ~»~ »~=# ,¤#£,,¤,¤¤
@,.#..#.¨, = don't fret if your meeting does not ^ .¤,,..&§
&£,.#.,@¨¨ ; go well - talking to a snake is \ .,¨@¤£..¤,
¤&£..#¨.&. = often a recursive matter. you will ^ .¨¨&¨#&.¨.
#,§¤,¨¤,.& ; meet many times as you fall deeper, \ #.,..£&§..
,,¤#¤¨¨#,¨ \ once per stage, the snake taking * ¨&.,.§,¤£¨
,¨@,@&.¨&. \ various forms in succession (stream, = ¨¨@¨.¨,&£§
£..¨¤@£¨¨£ † snake, half-snake, queen, stream, ; §¨,§¨.¨@¨¤
&@..&.@@¨. * thunder). you must repeat all † ¤§,¨#¨.,.¤
,¤@,¨¨£. * pleasantries each time as if you've : £@§..£.¨¨#
¨££#.,&.£# * never before met (although the snake = @.&£¨.£.¨¨
.@,¤¤.,.&¤ / may choose to address you as an old / ¨.§£¤.,£¨.
.¨¨&¨.@, \ friend, follow their lead if so). : .¨#¨£¤¨¨@.
¨,¨§¨#¤¨.. #«-- «=~ ~»« ~-= ~«- »-~ «=« ~~~ =~»# ¤..¨¤§&,,&
&¨,.,&¨. ¤§,.#.&£¨¨
.&.,.§.§¤. they have something to do with water, ¨¤#,.,§@&.
..£.¨.¨£§¤ some close relation to it. i've yet to ¨§£#,.#¨§&
¤.,§,.,£¨£ uncover what this is. but you might .@.@£¨..#¤
@&,.#..¨¨# have a higher chance of finding one ¨..&£&,¨#.
§#§.,£¨,¨# close to a river or lake...? ,,¨§,#&¨..
@¨¤£¨,£,,, ..,¨¨&@¤¨¨
.,@@¤.¨#.. i've also heard them mentioned together @,¨,.&.§¤¨
¨¨§.£&¨.£. with caves or "the world beneath the ,£..¨..¤££
£¨,,£¤¤,.# world". coincidence? you find regular ¨.#,,¨¨&.£
£&,¨£,£§., snakes in regular caves. or - could #,.&.¨,¨¨£
.¤@,.,#£#. this be a reference to the dark lake? @#,,§¨¨¨,#
,#&¤¨.&,§§ the holy water in the center of your £#¤¨,£.¨.¨
.§.¤&¨¨.## chest. guardians? #¨&&..£,,.
,¨.§§@¨,£, ,.§@£,¨£¨¨
,..@.¤¤.,¨ ¨,@.&&..¤.
.¨,,¨¤£§¨. @..¨¤¤#,¨§
§¨...@,§£. #@,¨#.@¤,,
¨@¨,.¨¨@§@ ¨§£,¨.§§#,